~Chapter Three~

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~Chapter Three~

            "You're only one month into the school year and you are failing every single class!"  My mother yells at me while I eat my cereal. 
             "Mom, it's my senior year.  I'm getting Senioritis."  I exclaim and my mother shakes her head at me. 
             "That doesn't matter!  Your last year of school and you aren't trying one bit!"  I shrug.  "Oh don't you shrug at me mister!"  My mom keeps yelling at me but I ignore it.

            "Do you understand?"  My mother asks and I nod my head as I push away my bowl of cereal.  "Your friend Mona is nice."  My mother switches subjects pretty quickly. 
             "Yeah, I like her.  She's different."  I reply and my mother collects my dishes. 
             "Why don't you offer her to drive her to and from school?"  My mother suggests and I consider this.  It would be nice to share some time with her before and after school. 
             "That's a good idea; I'll do just that Mom.  Thank you."  I say as I kiss her cheek and walk out the door.

            I listen to The Temptations on the way to Mona's house.  I pull into her driveway and soak in the front of her home.  It was a light gray and had an extended patio bordered around with screens.  There were little areas to sit and a rocking chair.  I open the screen door to the patio and I ring the doorbell next to the main entrance door.  Quaint.  I think to myself as I glance around her porch.

            I wait for about two minutes and a young woman, similar looking to Mona, answers the door. 
             "Oh, hello... can I help you?"  She asks. This must be Lauren, Mona's sister. 
             "Hi, my name is Bruno... I'm guessing you're Lauren, Mona's older sister?"  I ask and Lauren nods her head. 
             "I was wondering if wouldn't be any trouble if your sister would accompany me to a commute to and from school today."  I say, trying to act as a genuine gentleman.  This wins over Lauren completely. 
             "Yes! Mona would love that and I too.  She's told me about you."  Lauren exclaims. "Please, come in... Mona is still getting ready.  You know us girls."  I come in and give her a polite 'thank you'.

            I cannot help but glance around the place.  So, this is where the new girl lives.  To my left there was a small living room with a TV and some dated furniture.  In fact, the whole place was a throwback to the 80's it seemed.  I sniff the air but, it didn't have that cringing smell of most 80's dated homes.  I liked it though, even though we are in the early 2000's and they still held onto the dated furniture and interior. 
             "I'm hoping to get this place remodeled soon, once I get enough money."  Lauren says as if she knew what I was thinking.  She was in the kitchen, which seems to fade into the living room.  There was a hallway by the side of the kitchen leading upstairs.  To my right was another little sitting area with a small desk.

            "I think it's nice to walk into a home that looks like the 80's."  I say and Lauren scrunches her nose at this. 
             "Really?  Most people would think otherwise."  Lauren says as she faces me.  "Mona tells me you just live two blocks down."  I nod. 
             "That's correct missus.  I can be Mona's ride regularly to school if that's alright.  It would put less stress on you."  I suggest and Lauren smiles. 
             "Could you please?  I felt bad for not picking her up yesterday and making her late to school."  Lauren says.  "It's just Mr. Gifford needs me, he's getting pretty old to be running that general store by himself and his kids and grandkids don't have the time of day to help him."

            "You work there?  I'll have to stop by sometime."  I say and Lauren smiles at me.  The conversation dies and Lauren says she'll go check in on Mona.  I wait in the living room and cannot help but look at the family photos on the coffee table and on top of the fireplace.  What the hell?  A fireplace?  That's weird...  Hawaii only has one season and that's sunshine and good times.  It rains everyday but for only a short time so, it's kind of out of place to have a fireplace in your house.   

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