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(Short chapter)

Last night I probably said a couple things I shouldn't have in the interview. Its the morning after and I'm recalling the interview in my head as I straighten my hair. The interviewer asked me something that just added to the shit day I had. 

"So how is it to share Warped Tour with Ronnie Radke and his new band Falling In Reverse after everything that happened between you two?" The interviewer asked me.

As if there isn't anything else to talk about than my ex-love interest slash ex-best friend who has done nothing but shame Craig Mabbit, Max Green, and I in the press and to fans every chance he gets.

"I don't have anything to say to that." I laughed at the question while sipping on my whiskey and coke.

"Nothing?" The interviewer said, surprised. They always are surprised. Most rock stars go on rants to bring themselves press and drama.

"No. I think my music is good enough where I don't have to drag people through the mud publicly to get record sales." I had said to that stupid interviewer's face. As if we didn't have anything better to talk about than the angry battle of Ronnie Radke vs everyone he thinks has wronged him.

My manager has even asked me to participate in the fight. It'll boost sales, it'll get us more twitter followers, and everything else, but I will be damned if I let Ronnie bring me to his level. I know the only reason he is still dragging this out is to get a reaction out of me.

Him and I used to fight like this all the time back when we were younger before the bands took off. He'd push my buttons until I yelled at him. Its just like that except we aren't kids anymore, so this isn't a kid's sized fight, its a fucking king sized candy bar of a fight with a million fans and journalists wanting a piece.

So I woke up this morning with a headache. I can't tell if its from Ronnie or the whiskey, but it was painful. I popped an ibuprofen for my headache and drank a lot of water before officially getting up. 

Its not long before the show now, so I get dressed in a skater dress I got from hot topic and a pair of combat boots. I do my makeup in the living room since it is next to the A/C and pound water to get ready for the show.

Once I'm done, we all exit the bus. Ronnie is waiting for me as we walk out. Jordan shoots me a look, but keeps walking.

"Do you have a minute to talk?" He asks me as I walk past him. He catches my arm and stops me.

"I'm actually on the way to a show." I grabbed my arm back.

"My dear Juliet." He sang softly.

Oh that brought back a flood of memories all on its own. 

"Don't play with my head like that. Not now at least." I take a deep breath and then literally run away from him. As if I was a child again running away from a monster. Only this monster doesn't haunt me in my nightmares, but my sweet dreams.

"I'm late for my set! Sorry!" I yell to someone as I bump their shoulder as I run to catch up with my band. I run up to Jordan and he laughs. "Tell me again why I hate him."

"He's publicly said lies about you and some of your best friends." Jordan slings his arm around my waist. "Before he went to jail he played mind games with you."

"Yes. Yes he has." I nod and sigh. "But why does his face have to look like that?"

"Like what?" Zed asks me.

"So good looking!" I groan aggravatingly. 

The guys all laugh and shake their heads. Then we go over the set list, meet and greet time, and the interview time before we reach back stage. I get my head into the game, but my eyes end up searching for Ronnie. As we get on stage, I see him standing out of sight from the crowd back stage. Yet he's standing right where I can see him.

That fucker. He's always playing games with me. He's so hot and cold. Yet their must be something wrong with me because I just love to play the games with him.

Our Past. (Ronnie Radke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now