Let Me Tell You

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Let me tell you a story.

Let me tell you about the summer me and my two friends went to the lake, where we stayed at their aunt's cabin where the beds bounced and the floors creaked. We whispered secrets and giggled at pieces of gossip when we were really supposed to be in bed. We stole junk food from the cabinets and filched sweets from the fridge, and then after all that sugar none of us could sleep. We were only ten.

Let me tell you how we always played by the water, making beautiful sandcastles and pretending they were our houses, and collecting seashells for decorations or simply as memories for when we would finally go back home. And sometimes we would wade into the lake and splashed each other as the aunt watched us and chortled; she was a plump woman that aunt.

Let me tell you how the cool wind from the lake blowed gently through our hair as we all walked to town every Friday to buy groceries and lick ice cream as we stared and giggled at the cute son of the fisherman as he proudly threw his line into the water, hoping to catch his father some more fish.

Let me tell you how one Friday, while the aunt was busy flirting with the owner of the grocery store as he tried to sell her more bread, we snuck off to the shore where an old wooden boat lied, a boat that nobody used or cared to remove. We checked the bottom of the boat to make sure there were no holes, and were delighted to find that it still contained oars. We pushed the boat off the shore and jumped inside as it began to float off, cheering that we were moving without having to do any work.

Let me tell you about the surprised face of the fisherman's cute son, as we waved him adieu as we passed him and his rod. We picked up the oars and began to push, push, push through the water.

Let me tell you how the surface of the lake glistened with sunlight, like a billion sparkling diamonds in the sun. The air was clean and fresh and the breeze cooled us down from the glaring heat of the day. And if it was still too hot, we would lean over the side of the old boat and splash water on each other, laughing and having such fun as we got ourselves wet.

Let me tell you how two of us leaned over at the same time, and then I fell into the water. 

Let me tell you how we couldn't swim.

Let me tell you how I screamed and I sobbed and I cried as I struggled to keep my head above the surface. The water filled my mouth and my nose and I choked and screamed and cried more, begging for help.

Let me tell you how their blue-green eyes went wide with horror, but they just stared as I struggled and screamed and begged.

Let me tell you how scared I was as the fabric of my jeans absorbed the water around me like a sponge, and weighed me down like I was tied to an anchor.

Let me tell you how I hated them as their terrified faces disappeared as I slipped one final time under the water, and sank, sank, sank to the bottom, and the ooze welcomed me like I was an old friend.

Let me tell you about how they left me for dead.


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