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I sat on a ledge of the ship and looked down at my hands. I was picking at the nail polish on my fingers when I heard someone walk up behind me.
"Mind if I join you?" the voice asked. I smiled recognizing it.
"Not at all." I looked back at Peter.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
Peter made a serious face, "Sounds dangerous."
Peter cracked and smiled, getting me to smile a bit, "Sometimes."
"What's wrong?" Peter asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"I can't read minds, but I know something is bothering you." Peter said, "What's up?"
I sighed, thinking for a moment. "This sucks," I said, leaning my head on Peters' shoulder.
"You gonna be okay?" Peter asked.
"I think I will be once this is over." I sighed.
"How do you think this is gonna end?"
"You know I can't tell you that. Even if I did look, I don't want to know."
"Because if I do one thing wrong or different. Or if I tell you and you do one thing wrong or different. It could change everything."
"I thought that was just in movies and books." Peter chuckled.
"Nope." I smiled.
"Will we ever get back home. You know? To New York?"
"Still can't answer that."
"What can you answer?"
I picked my head up and looked into his soft brown eyes, "Questions not related to this mission."
"Do you love me?" Peter asked.
"Of course." I answered, "Do you love me?"
"Absolutely." Peter smiled.
I smiled at him, but it quickly faded as an image popped into my head. Peter was shaky, pale, and sweaty.
        'Marina? Mr. Stark?...'. Echoed in my head.
        I shook my head violently to get the image out of my head, but it wouldn't leave.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked as we stood up.
         My head felt like it was going to split open. A sudden wave of emotion hit, followed by what sounded like what could only be described as mass panic.
         "I- um... I just..." I let out a groan of pain. Things hadn't been this loud since I first got my powers, "I guess I thought space would be a lot quieter with just the four of us on this ship."
         "Five if you count the cape." Peter held my arms.
My emotions took over. "I love you so much." I said, hugging him.
"I love you." he replied. I hugged him tightly and tears fell from my eyes.
"Could you ever forget me?" I whispered burying my face in his neck.
"Never. Not in a million years." Peter hugged me tighter and placed his chin on the top of my head, "Look at that."
"What?" I asked, looking up at him.
"You don't see that every day." he smiled looking out the front of the ship.
"Yeah." I smiled weakly, looking out at the passing stars.

         "Peter, Marina!" Dad yelled, "Come here!"         "Hey," Peter said, stopping me from teleporting, "We'll be okay

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"Peter, Marina!" Dad yelled, "Come here!"
"Hey," Peter said, stopping me from teleporting, "We'll be okay."
I smiled and kissed him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as mine traced up his neck and into his brown curls. After a bit, we separated for air.
"We'll be okay." Peter repeated, holding the side of my face with his right hand.
"I can't answer that," I said.
"Damn it!" Peter said as we both laughed.

Hey guys. Was this cute? No? Yeah? Maybe? Anyway, this was just a little filler chapter. I wanted to put in something happy/cute (?). Just because there's all this chaos, I felt like this needed something kinda nice.

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