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Hello. I have been getting a lot of comments about spelling errors and I am here to tell you that I used to have grammerly but My computer one day stopped using it and it wont use it again. Because every time I try to install it my computer crashes and I have to boot it up again. But to all the people wondering like why is his spelling so bad it's because my computer wont get grammerly. Also I could try to see if a word is spelled wrong but that would take to much time to type a word then see if it is wrong then go to google and type in the word and have to paste it back into the story so I have been just throwing that out the window. But we did hit over 500 reads so the next story is gonna have suspense and a little drama and I am typing this in my bed on my iPad and if your wonder if I can install it on the iPad I don't know and I don't want to try to find out because it takes to much work but thank. Thank you for every read. Every comment, and every vote. It means so much to me and I really thought that this book would never get to over 500 reads, so thank you. Also my friend when he read the story he asked me how do I post my page so fast. Well I write 2 pages one for the one I'm posting on the day and the other for the next day and I have to tell you it is hard, but if you are a slow typewriter then I would recommend not writing really long books because I can type a lot of words a secend and that help but if you are making two pages in one day then I recommend not doing it but you can still do. Wel I have to sleep because it is 11:13 and I had a long day but thank you so much. Thank, and good bye

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