Chapter 19: Servitude

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Waking up from another lecture, I drag myself out of bed. Mindlessly walking around the house I question what the voice in the dark said. The four major religions all secretly are trying to protect humanity from self-destruction in their own way? Though it seems like Christianity's attempt went down in the flames of the crusades. So what about the other three religions? The Islamists that the voice claimed were enlightened are currently being hunted down wherever they pop up, so they will probably soon fall.

With those two failed religious attempts, it leaves only Buddhism and Hinduism as 'protectors'. What will happen to them? Will they go into oblivion as time goes on? Or will they continue and maybe 'save humanity'. As far as I can see, the voice in the dark is crazy and not to be believed. It's probably some conspiracy theorist that my fantasy made up to keep me entertained.

Finally getting over my dazed state of mind, I get ready and head to school. As I leave my house, everything looks a bit different. The church and mosque doesn't look as sacred as it was yesterday. Is that voice affecting my state of mind? If it is, then I am in a precarious predicament because if I keep dreaming about the voice it will most likely permanently change me. I like who I am right now, I don't want to change!

As I walk to the school, Ben and his lackeys notice and walk up to me. Instead of surrounding me like yesterday, they all stop in front of me. Ben steps out in front and looks at me.

"Hey! Isn't it my favorite helper, how are you today? Do you have any progress with the, 'situation'?"

I sigh. I hate being extorted like this and never want it to happen again. So I'll put up with him for now. Grabbing a sheet of paper out of my pocket, I hand it to him.

"The hell is this? Why are you handing me some scrap of paper? Are you trying to insult me squirt?!"

Shoot, he didn't understand the que to open the sheet of paper! If he continues getting angry he will probably beat me up worse than yesterday!

"What's written on the paper Ben, what's written! I wrote her number onto the piece of paper!"

I look away from him and close my eyes, thinking that I am going to be punched. A few seconds pass and I hear the paper being opened. I slowly open my eyes and look at what Ben is doing. I come to see that he is looking at the contents of his paper, with a smug look on his face. Satisfied, he quickly crumples the paper and puts it in his pocket.

"Cameron, buddy, thanks for the help! I knew you would come through, thanks! Oh and you should have seen your expression when I 'got angry'. It was golden! Hey, did any of you guys record it?"

He looks behind him seeing if anybody did. After a few seconds of nobody replying, Ben gives up and sighs.

"Well anyways, thanks little bud, that's all I need! Later!"

With that, Ben and his lackeys walk away and I am left alone. Left alone and defeated by a foe who could never be defeated. I know that people were watching the incident, but nobody stepped in. I guess that's the way life goes, nothing I could really do about it.

With an utterly shattered spirit, I arrive atschool. I don't want to look at anyone, don't want to converse. I don't evenwant to be here right now. What I wantto do is run home and never leave. Never leave and just escape reality, but of coursethat can never happen. I just have to keep going on with life like everythingis fine. Whatever, I'll just get the school day over with.    

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