Mamma Mia

25 4 11

How are you supposed to respond to an event you know is coming? That you've fucked up so many times before?

I've been to this day at least fifty times and failed to achieve my objective each time; this major wrinkle unable to be ironed out.

But, I have to find a way!


My father's captor places me in his Matter Transference Device (MTD for short), and instructs me to "take care" of Joel Miller. The Nazi doctor slicks back his hair, rolling his eyes at me: his most recent disappointment.

"Quickly, mine minion!" He instructs, padding his fingertips on the burns he had recently gotten. "You know how ze Doctor feels ven he does not get his vay! And you have been nossing but an inferior specimen."

I gulp. "Yes, Eddie." It's hard not to smirk as the words come out of my mouth. Awww, poor Eddie ...

"Don't call me zat!" He screeches, just before he presses a big green button, scattering my person into a million pieces. I'm everywhere and nowhere at once. The literal representation of Schröedinger's cat.

Time shutters past me in fleeting pictures, watching the atrocities that humans inflict on each other, over and over again. It makes the job easier ... yeah, Mia. Keep telling yourself that.

The manic madman had promised me that this was the last job before he'd let my father, Tank Dempsey, free. So, why was it so hard for me to pull the trigger of my Luger pistol?

My head thuds, as all my atoms gather together like magnets. I think I'm going to vomit ...

I check my watch. 2:10am.

Times a wasting! I haven't got long to get in there.

Looking side to side, I run to the front door, retrieve the key from under the mat and open the entrance. "Sarah?" I yell up the stairs.

I'm probably gonna scare the poor girl, but there's no time to question it. That girl is going to survive tonight. To hell with Richtofen!

I leap up the stairs, two at a time. "Sarah? It's time to get up!"

I stand by her bed, as she rubs her eyes. "Who are you?" the twelve-year old drawls. The lethargy of deep sleep still lingers.

"I'm Mia Dempsey, and I'm here to help you. It's time for you to get out of bed, and get dressed." I made sure I wore jeans and a checkered shirt this time. This scenario didn't go down so well when I was in my usual pencil skirt and US issue tweed jacket. "We'll meet your father downstairs."

The blonde, little girl sits there, infuriatingly still. Calm yourself Mia, she doesn't know her life depends on it.

Luckily, her shorts and shirt are out from yesterday. I place them beside her and hold her hand. "Please, Sarah. I'll explain it to you later. You're going to have to trust me."

Sarah continues to rub the sleep from her eyes, as she groggily places clothes on and rushes downstairs in search of her father. She heads to the back of the house and looks out the glass door. The very door that her father will run through in a minute, shortly followed by an infected neighbour. Jimmy, I think his name was.

"Step away from the door, sweetie! Wait by the kitchen." I place a hand on her shoulder, trying to brace her. "There's an explosion coming in twenty seconds. Just stay by me or your father and you'll be fine."


"How did you know that was going to happen?" She looks up with doe eyes, and as our orbs connect, I see a flicker of recognition. Not uncommon when we've met previously, on such a fractured timeline. "Do I know you?"

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