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 Drinking ,smoking, partying is went on last night. I woke up next to a person I so wished I hadn't after all we've been through things will never be the same between me and Chris Dolton.And no more of my little helpers...they're gone.

*First day of senior year

I walk down the hallway only to be pushed to the side dropping my books. People stepped on it and murrmered things like 'whats she doing? ' 'get up' 'out the way'. Well maybe if someone would help me...no but of course thats asking too much. Then some one was picking it up for me.

I-I mean with me looking up I could swear it was one of those moments you see on tv. When the girl drops her stuff and the boys picks it up and their eyes meet. Pulling my black hair behind my ear I look up with my blue eyes. I meet light brown eyes and slicked ack dark brown hair with hints of black and a highlight of red.

I smiled and whispered,"th-thank you." I'm pretty sure I was blushing when we stood. He's the most gorgious guy I've ever seen and he's sweet he helped me get my things up  I think I'm in love.Gosh I've already fallin' in love before we've even talked.

"Your welcome." His voice was deep it had me moving around on my feet.

"I'm Stacey lara. " I stuck out my hand. When a girl with all blonde hair came up.

"Im Chris Dolton ." He smiled.

" I sadi help the poor emo thing up not flirt with it. Look at it its turning pink. " A cheerleader said ith 3 other laughing and a group of boys.

I pulled back my hand, feeling flushed in embarrassment. Yeah why would he want to help someone like me just for being nice. Of course not. Looking at my beat up shoes. "look at it I mean who even shakes hands anymore?" Everyone laughed harder.

I sniffed eyes full of tears and without a glance back walked out of school. I'll just run home and miss about 3 periods.

I walked into the door. To see my mother with some guy. You see my father left when he found out my mother was pregnant. She hasn't really tried dating since than. And it would also explain why I wouldn't even be able to take help from a boy just as a joke. I'v never seen people in love or even had love. So what would I know?

Besides the fact I fell for it. I place my bookbag down.

"Hey.." I said lightly.

"Hey baby I um met somene ." She beamed. I'v never seen her smile so beautifully. Or so happy.

"Hey I'm KIndle Dolton. YOu can call me Ken." He smiled.' Very handsome...but did he...just say...dolton?'

My mom had ruby red eyes with black hair with hint of brown here and there. "Well I know this is sudden but we're enggaged now. And he's going to be living with us now. "

I just stood there still hang on my sleeve from about to take it off.

"With hi and his son..." Her eyes got pleading. She came over and took my hand. My face went blank. "IT's ok I'm happy for you guys its just going to take time but he'll fit right in im sure mom. " My voice was low.

"Great!" She kissed my cheek. "Oh and his son will be living with us. His name is Chris , you go to the same school you must've met him yes?' She asked , with her italian accent, mixed with hispanic. Through her eyes I'm popular and perfect.

But my heart beat stopped. "Ar you ok? YOu're looking pale." She asked taking my cheek into her hand. "

"yeah.." In my mind I said. 'noo I'm going to live with him...my unrequited love...the one I'm going to...'

"Well good. " She started to walk back to Ken.

Turning back real quick she glared at me." Why are you at home and-" I cut her off. "LOve you mom nice to meet you Ken."

I said while running upstairs I could hear my mother swearing in spanish and italian. I shut the door behind me,leaning against it , thinking. 'WOW. first day of school isnt over and my love at first sight played is moving in with me..... damn'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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