Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost,

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Lon Bon waz sitting across from 707 copy when she got the sudden urge to beat her own pussy. She beat it so hard in 2 straight hours that she never nutted like she did before.

When 707 copy screamed in horror and asked what she was doing out of lust Lon Bon got up while doing the Tango and whispered intp her ear.

"I beat my dick so hard that my left leg went numb." 707 copy was so sexually frustrated at that, that she grabbed ahold of the female cats chin to dry hump her right there on the dining table.

When automobile plezburger and the misunderstood emo walked into the room and saw what the newly wed couple was doing 707 copy and Lon Bon blushed like baboons booty cheeks.

They stared at them in complete awe and whispered in monotone "#Continue."

707 and Lon Bon shrugged and continued until the full moon rises and they were exhausted from the doggy day dry humping.

Automobile plezburger and misunderstood emo was also exhausted from staring at the silly gooses that they left without a warning. This was 707 copies time to shine.

She got her brethe of the wind wanker and shoved it into the Lon bond pussy. "If you touch Lon bons pussy, you'll get my toushie!" 707 copy yelled when she came at the sight of Lon bon.

Lon Bon was about to cum too. 707 copy bit her horny lip as she whisper in her ear for her too.

"Bitch please BOTTOM TEXT" Lon Bon moaned as she came into the video game.

Lon Bon and 707 copy fell onto the dirty floor covered in crúmbs and both panted from the centuries of sex they just did.

"That was a mighty meal." 707 copy sighed. Lon Bon looked over at 707 copy with a huge cock sucking grin on her face and said "Argggg captain."

Lon Bon X 707 copy Where stories live. Discover now