Chapter Five

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  (Your's POV)

  That night...

  We were at the docks. Max was introducing Nikki, Neil, and I to this kid who he called... Billy? Well, the kid kept insisting to be called Snake. So, Snake it is. Sounds cooler. Snake was sucking on a candy cane. I had my neutral expression, looking around aimlessly, as I was bored.

  Eventually, we got on the boat and started to move across the lake. Nikki and Neil were talking to each other about what they were going to do after they were free. I was just enjoying the lake. The calm, quiet sounds and ripples, the moonlight reflecting off of the water, it was very relaxing. "What are you gonna do when we get outta here, Max?" Nikki asked him. There was a pause.

  I was expecting him to say something like, 'Get revenge from my enemies!' or, 'Set a forest on fire!', but when I didn't hear anything, I was confused. I looked over to Max to see that he was looking over at the side of the boat. "Hey, Billy..." he started, his eyes narrowed. "Where are we going?" Just as he finished his question, Snake took his candy cane out of his mouth, which was now sharp, and stabbed Max in the back. My eyes widened, and I froze. Max fell.

  Nikki tried to attack Snake, but he picked her up and threw her out into the lake yelling, "No girls allowed!"

  "NIKKI!" Neil yelled as he jumped in the lake after her. (aww.. :3) Now, it was just me, Snake, and a helpless Max. Snake smirked at me, lunging at me with his sharpened candy cane. Before he reached me, I grabbed both of his wrists and held him back.

  Dammit, he's strong...

  We stayed like that for a couple moments before he got the arm without the candy cane loose and aimed to punch at my face. I ducked, and used that opportunity to use my free hand to grab the candy weapon and throw it in the lake. I let go of his wrist and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to stumble back a few steps before he started running back to me and punching me in the face. The impact made me fall and Snake towered above me. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Max yelled, trying to pick himself up. Snake ignored him and picked me up above the ground by my throat, choking me.

  I tried to claw at his hands for him to let go of me, but to no avail. He smirked at me again. "You put up a good fight... Maybe we can make a use for you." My vision started to blur. The last thing I saw was Max looking at me, horrified, before I slipped out of conciousness.

  (Tiiiiime Skoip)

  (Max's POV)

  I woke up, tied to a chair. There was a light hanging above me, and to my left, (Y/N) was tied up too, her head hanging down. "(Y/N)..!" I whisper-shouted. No response.

  I guess she's still unconscious...

  Then this guy I've never seen before walked into the light. He was a lot taller, and... stronger. "Who are you?" I questioned. He didn't respond, and just walked closer. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" I barked, getting annoyed. Then... he started to slap me repeatedly.

  (Your POV)

  "God, your face is gross..."


  "Oh, sorry, that slipped out..."


  "Yes, I know, that was mean."

  "It really was..."

  "I mean, you were just so close-"

  "SILENCE!" someone yelled, causing me to jump up. I looked around and saw Max looking at me with a relieved expression on his face. In front of him was a tall-ish boy with pimples covering his entire face. He looked at me with a smirk and walked in front of me. I could hear Max growl as he stood, towering over me. I tried to move, but then I realized that I was tied to a chair.

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