The kiss?

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*Roman's P.O.V*

I've been  looking for Virgil all dayyyy! Where could he be?! Is he in danger? WAIT- remembers he's been letting Virgil visit the kingdom in his mind palace.. "Shit..."

I run as fast as I can to the mind palace and search for Virgil "Virgil!? Where are you!?" I practically yelled for him, he suddenly was there... fighting a dragon witch "Stop! Virgil you won't win!" He looked at me and smiled "I'm doing this for you"

my eyes widened and a Tear feel down my face right as I saw him get impaled with a huge sword "VIRGIL!?" I ran to him and he smiled weakly at me as boood dripped from his mouth "at least your safe now..." He trailed off and his eyes dropped as he now..was just lying here...limp in my arms

I cried and cried trying to get the blood back in him but it didn't work he stayed dead, I stood up and carried Virgil to my room "I promised I'd always protect you Virgil...that means you don't have to protect me...." I trailed off thinking about Virgil's smile, eyes, ears, name, texts, clothes and then it hit me..

*Virgil's P.O.V*

All I saw was darkness and I was walking until I saw Roman..he was singing softly to me as my body lay next to him "Wait! I'm here! That's not me!" I look at my hands and realise I'm see through.. oh ....

I was watching for a while until I felt a pair of lips on mine, I opened my eyes and saw the light, Roman was kissing me and I was kissing back "Your alive!?" He smiled at me and I chuckeld grabbing his shirt and kissing him again

We pulled away for air and sighed softly "I love you virge" "I love you too Romy" he chuckeld and kissed my forehead, we drifted off to sleep...

(Sorry it's short, it's my first one shot everrrrrr)

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