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Keira's side:

Empty, is this what im feeling?
Whats the point in living, am i even alive?
All i can feel is the slight pain in my kneck, like a pin piercing me, draining me, taking my breath away as i call for Shane. As i beg for Shanes arms around me, wanting to hear his sweet voice ringing in my ears, making every hair on my body stand on end. I missed him, i missed him his laugh, his voice, the turquoise glow in his eyes that put me in a trance of hope and love, making me feel a warm a glowing sensation inside. But now im cold, hollow and empty. Ive been drained away. I guess this is the end.

As i sat there on my iron chair of blood and sweat, i felt this warmth around me. This warmth consumed me, made me wonder what it was? What was happening? Then the smell hit me. Shane. He lifted my head, tears streaming down his face as he stared into my lost eyes. I tried to give him a sign, a sign i was still here. A sign i was still alive. Nothing. I couldn't move, blink, i couldn't even lift a finger. What was wrong with me? Please save me Shane? Please.

He was then pushed away out of my grasp, when all of a sudden i felt a cold feeling on my chin when i started to face Bruces evil smirk that ran across his face. My skin started to crawl as his eyes filled with an intense colour of red that made my blood run cold. His lips started to move, but i couldn't hear his psychotic voice that would usually put me on edge.

He let go of my chin, my face dropping, facing the ground. I wanted too see Shane's eyes again, i wanted to feel his warm breath on my lips. I tried to lift my head, struggling to gain strength as it had been drained by the lips of a vampire that i wished was deceased. I looked in the very ounces of my soul, searching for a drop of strength that would help me see the light again. When i thought that all hope was lost, i felt my head start to shake under its own weight as it raised upwards, my eyes scanning the room to find Shane's eyes. I saw the light, i saw the turquoise glimmer that i had been longing for, for so long. As i found Shane's eyes, i saw his eyes widen in disbelief as i tried to form a faint smile on my face, but before i could, my head dropped. Back to facing  the floor.

Shane's view:
As i stared at Bruce, touching Keira as if she was a slave. I tried to hold back the anger growing inside. Then when i thought that hope was lost i saw something that made my heart stop. Keira lifting her head and staring into my eyes. At that moment i felt as if i could see a glimmer of bright blue shining across her delicate eyes making my heart sob in relief. Then her head dropped as if it had never happened, lifeless.

"Awww, what a shame. Well i guess that was the last ounce of strength. Doesn't matter, the taste will stay the same" Bruce smirked, a grin crossing his face as he looked at Kiera and then stared at me.

"You bastard!" I shouted as i started to stomp forward but before i could take the second step towards him, i was stopped by Ky grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

What Bruce didn't know, this was all part of a plan. As Bruce concentrated me, Karma had already snuck behind him grabbing his neck and moving his arms behind his back. As Bruce struggled, one of his Buds pounced out of a corner towards Karma's back but before he could reach, Peppa was already one step ahead, pouncing and bringing him too the floor, a little too hard as blood started running across the floor from the guys head.

As Bruce was held i ran to Keira, breaking the chains. I held her in my arms, picking her up bridal style and taking her to maya. Maya carried her out of the room as i grabbed a wooden stake from my jacket. I walked towards Bruce, ready to stake him through the heart nice and square but before i could, he snatched his way out of Karma's grasp and pounced on top of me, pushing Karma against Peppa against the wall behind them. He bent his head forward towards my left ear whispering "i got you now you didn't think i could be killed that easi-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Freya had stabbed him in the back in the area where his heart would be, she then twisted slightly as he fell on top of me, pale and lifeless, dead.

I pushed him off, picking my self up as i stared at Freya. "A hand would be nice you know Freya"
She stared at me unamused.
"Say that again i dare you. And just remember ive just saved your sorry ass!"

I stood up in-front of her and then hugged her tightly. "Thank you"

"Your welcome" after a few seconds she pushed me off her and said "oh and by the way im not letting this day go, you just wait for the near future"

We walked out of the incased room together as i saw maya waiting outside with Keira in her arms. I took her out of her reach and started holding her in Bridal style. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, falling onto Keira's soft skin gone grey. I was relieved to have her in my arms again, even if she was covered in sweat and blood. And she must have been relieved too, as she was deep in soft slumber.

Kiera's side:

I woke up too the smell of Shane surrounding me, holding me. Warm soft sheets pressed against my skin as i became aware of my surroundings. My eyes adjusted to the blackness of shanes room. My heart sank as i knew i was home. I then turned my head to see Shane sitting in a black chair leaning forward resting his head against the bed. He waited. Tears of happiness ran down my face as i started to shake his shoulders, gently trying to wake him up. He lifted his head up slowly, as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings and then staring into my eyes. Deep turquoise hit me, i was so happy too see him. His eyes widened as he lunged towards me, kissing me deeply and making me fall flat on the bed. I kissed back. Feeling his warm soft lips cress mine. Until we finally released for air. He collapsed next to me, holding me in his arms. I could hear him laughing as tears folded into the mix. I was so happy to be back with him, to see him.

As laid there in his embrace i heard him whisper "dont ever leave me again"

"Cant guarantee it" i chuckled
"Promise me"
"I promise"

He then sat up and grinned. "You know you have been asleep for 5 days, right?"

My eyes widened. "Wait........ What?!"

————————————————————————hi its Keira here, i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it. I am thinking about making a part 2 so if you guys liked this story then tell me if you would enjoy reading a part 2. Thank you so much for the support and check out these other writers ShiningGems_99017 slytherinsheir33 iloveloaf2017

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