Life of a Spy

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hello this is my first story so take it easy. i am new to here so hope i get some lovely fans out there!!!

"Hit harder Sally" my dad yelled. I hit him in the leg and punched him in the face. He fell and i grab him by his collar throwing him across the room. My older brother cheered me on as my mom sighed to her self. He got up whipping the blood away. Most kids would be scared that they hurt there parents but i was taught not to show mercy. He looked at me pulling out something from behind his back. He threw knifes at me and i manage to douge all of them. He smiled and walked up to me patting my back. "I told you so" my mom said. "Yea Yea Sally i think you are finally ready to be enter in the Spy program" He said. We walked in the house. My mom ran around makeing dinner. I walked in the game room seeing my brother playing on one of his game systems. Growling i walked over unplugging it and turning the channel. "What the hell why you do that" he yelled. "I wanted to watch my show you idiot and i cant do it if you are playing your dumb games all the damn time" i said. He got up stealing the remote and turning it on a cartoon. "Really My little Pony your 21 and you still watch it" i said. "Well im not the one watching pokemon" he sneered. "Leave my show out of this you asshole" i said. "We have a potty mouth " he sang. I lept at the remote grabbing it. We rolled over and over until he was un top. Wiggling i tried to move. "say your a winner a hot one at fact " he said. "No way get off hippo" i said. I rolled us and kicked his gut . I turn it on a horro movie and ran. My brother was right behind me as i ran. Laughing i hide behind momma and she looked at me weird. "He trying to kill me because i said My little Pony was stupid" i said. She looked at him as his face widen. "Mason your to old to watch that show" She said. He was about to open his mouth before Chase,are dog, ran in shoving him down. Chase was a australlian sheperd that i got when i was five. He barked licking his face then running to me. "High five Chase" i said. He put his paw on my hand. My dad walked in and gave us all a 'what the hell look'. I walked overe to the stove seeing my mom made fried chicken, mashpotatoes, and rolls. I ran to cabinet looking for my frosting. "Sally no frosting i know you have a suger problem so i threw it out" My mom said. I looked at her tears at my eyes. "No frostings but but i love the frosting" i said. "i dont care no more suger it doesnt go to your stomach nope it goes to thoes boobs of yours" she said. My face went red as my Dad and brother snickered. "Mom" i yelled. She gave me a evil look and turn to serve plates. We ate in silence till my duffus of a brother spoke. "You know what mom that was really funny " he said. I felt my face go real red. I excuse myself. Heading upstairs i went to my room. It was about 10 pm so i grab my pjs and towel. Takeing a shower i brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. Walking back into my room i layed on my freshly made bed. Snuggling my pilllow i breath in the sweet scent. I closed my eyes letting sleep overcome me.

so i hope yall like.

vote,comment, fan me if you think this story will be good.

no bad comments i am new at these things.

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