Chapter 5

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Hey there! So I know it has been a long time but I hope this chapter makes up for it! I haven't written anything in quite a long time so I apologise in advance if this is horrible. I'm not sure when i will update next but i will definitely try soon now that i have some sort of plan. Thank you and enjoy!

A moan of pain reached the ears of Jun as he waited patiently for his granddaughter. He looked over in surprise at seeing Cody regaining consciousness. Jun went over and placed a cool rag on the boy’s forehead. He sighed, looking out of the window. He and Cody rested in a small cabin on the opposite side of where the village was located. Jun bit his lip as he waited for Haru’s return. Jumping in surprise at the sound of an engine, Jun opened the door and smiled at seeing Haru climbing out of BUmblebee.
“Haru…” he said in relief.
The young girl smiled and hugged her grandfather.
“I’m okay. I wasn’t caught.” she whispered.
He nodded and smiled at Bumblebee in thanks. Jun and Haru then began to get the things from Bumblebee’s cab,
“How’s Cody?” Haru asked.
The man sighed and looked back towards the blonde boy. Haru followed her grandfather’s gaze. Jun’s eyes saddened as he realized Cody had fallen back into unconsciousness.
“COdy…” Haru whispered, approaching and sitting next to him.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes. JUn placed his hand on her shoulder.
“He’ll be okay, Haru,” Jun said softly.
Suddenly, Cody began shivering violently as his body jerked. Haru widened her eyes and immediately wrapped her arms around him tightly, desperately trying to warm him. Jun started a fire and watched in sadness as Haru whimpered, tears pouring from her hazel orbs. The grandfather wrapped a blanket around them before taking out his laptop. He bit his lip, desperately hoping to reach the Burns family. ‘Please…’

Charlie stared at his computer as the device shut down. He had just got off a video chat with Jun and learned of his son’s condition. A tear slid down his cheek.
‘My little boy…’ He looked down as more tears flowed. He took a deep breath and swiped them away.  He stood and, with a stern face, marched off .
“Dad?” Dani called in surprise as he watched him slip on a coat. “Where are you going?”
“To get Cody.” Charlie replied.
“What?!” his kids exclaimed, Kade and Graham having walked in as he responded to Dani. “You’re going to Eokrap?”
Charlie nodded. “I have to get him back…”
“Well… we can’t all go…” Dani whispered. “Someone has to stay here and look after the town.”
The family grew silent as they processed this.
“Dani’s right.” Graham said. “I’ll stay here.”
“Graham-” Charlie began to say in surprise, only to be interrupted by Graham.
“No, dad. Eokrap is an island and you’ll need Blades to get there. Heatwave can transform into a boat. I’ll stay here with Boulder and Chase.”
“Are you.. Sure Graham?” KAde asked.
The younger nodded. “Just… keep me updated.”
Charlie hugged his son and whispered,
“Of course.”

“Haraboji!” Haru cried. “He’s getting worse..”
THe young girl gripped Cody’s limp hand as he struggled to breathe properly. Jun scowled and ran his hand through his hair, giving it a tug of frustration. He didn’t get it. What was happening to Cody? All he did was fall in the freezing lake. He shouldn’t be going through this!
Haru gulped as she watched her new friend. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, her amber eyes widening in horror.
“Haru?! Haru, sweetie, what is it?” JUn asked in alarm as he rushed over.
The girl shakily pointed to the noticeable gray colored veins that were scattered across Cody’s body. Jun widened his and hurriedly yet gently took the boy into his arms, watching as Cody breathed weakly. His eyes wandered around before landing on a small wound that decorated the boy’s arm.
“H-Haru…? Where did this come from?” Jun asked.
His granddaughter looked over and frowned in thought. She gasped in realization.
“Those wasps! These weird wasps stung him before he fell in the lake!” she exclaimed.
JUn bit his lip as everything began to come together.  Why Cody was so weak… Why he didn’t seem to be getting any better. It all made sense now.
Cody had been poisoned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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