Chapter 2

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School went by so quickly. Most of which I was failing to nap but still.

I gathered my stuff from my personal abyss/locker. Everything got stuffed haphazardly into my backpack. Truly I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. I've had a rough day.

Walking down the hall, I thought about everything that had happened that day. More specifically the weird feeling of someone staring at me earlier. It was strange. One minute it was there and the next the hallway was empty of unfamiliar or suspicious eyes. What really happened? Shoving that thought out of head, I shove my way through the groups of teenagers. Avoiding guys giving me wolf whistles and girls giving me mocking stares was hard, but not impossible. I managed well enough.

I soon got to the front of the crowd and boarded my bus. Ava got on soon after. I'm just glad Roman goes to football after school. So stereo typical. Anyways, I take a seat in the very back, always reserved or me and my friends. Ava, Mila, Kisumi, James, Even, and me. Every now and then, after school we go to our hideout (abandoned warehouse on the edge of town) and just hangout. Today was one of those days.

The bus ride was peaceful. We talked about our day and our assignment in Magic Guilds. "I bet she ran away because he had is explosive diarrhea." Even joked, earning a slap from Mila. "Don't be silly. It had to be something much more serious." Kisumi reasoned. Even just rubbed his arm and pouted. I laughed at his childishness and pulled my new deck of guild cards. "Are those the special editions?!" James asked, super excited. I nodded and they all eyed the cards like they were the best things in the world.

I stuck them back into my backpack, to the disappointment of all my friends and giggled at their faces, "I'll bring them back out when we get to base. Plus I have more at home." Their faces lot up as I said this and they all cheered.

"So, what's your theory on what happened to Lucy Heartfilia?" Ava asked me, looking up from her lacrima that quite obviously displayed a tinder page. I raised an eyebrow at her choice of websites and she just shrugged. "I don't have anything solid. She can't be dead. The cause must be ongoing. And it must be pretty big. Maybe she got pregnant?" I guessed, well that was my actual theory, I just needed to know their opinions. "That's an interesting proposal." Mila said thoughtfully. Kisumi nodded in agreement. "It fits with all the information. It's definitely a large enough event for her to want to leave. Hmmm, I would have never thought of it."

We soon got to my stop. I gave a playful salute and walked up to my house. It was nothing fancy, just an average suburban home. Unlocking the front door swiftly, I strolled into the living room. The door closed behind me. I threw my backpack onto the couch. Not long after, I found myself sprawled across it as well. The soft cushions were nice and familiar. I don't really like a lot of change. It just means my life is passing by to quickly.

Finding myself dozing off a little, I decided it was time to go to Base. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. The air whizzed by my ears as I bolted through the streets toward our hangout. Mrs.Martinez, the owner of a local restaurant and a mother-figure for me, smiled thoughtfully at me as I passed and called in a heavy accent, "I have a surprise for you when you come back around!". I laughed excitedly as I continued my way through the town.

The buildings gradually became older an dirtier. The edges of town aren't the prettiest sight. Graffiti (brought to you by moi and friends) decorated the run down structures. I skidded to a stop in front of a old warehouse. Pushing the heavy metal doors open, I see Even and Mila talking awkwardly, their totally crushing on each other. Kisumi is laying on the carpeted floor reading Sorcerer's Weekly Magazine. James is using a lacrima to watch something and Ava is putting some new snacks in the cabinets.

I should probably mention that we completely decked that place out. Patterned fabric draped off every wall. Assorted carpets lined the floors. A full out kitchen in the corner. Bean bag chairs and old couches were randomly placed around the spacious room. A tv lacrima was mounted to a wall of the warehouse and several  day beds covered in multiple layers colorful, soft fabric were spread around it. Christmas lights fell from every surface. All in all, it was a mess. But it was basically home to me.

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