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sometimes you have a genuinely hard time believing that you even deserve to be with finn. you can’t help but picture all of the girls that are more pretty and more deserving of his love. some of his fans enjoy telling you that quite a bit.

“she’s just using him for fame!”

“ew stop, you’re toxic and finnie is mine!”

“she’s such a slut!!!”

you loved finn with all of your heart, and you had never done anything to offend them, so it confused you as to why they would hate you so much. while jaeden and lilia were still dating, you asked her how she put up with the hate.

“how do you manage to do it, lilia?” you questioned.

she turned to you with a confused look resting upon her face. she grabbed you and pulled you into a side hug.

“how do i deal with what, y/n/n?”

“the hate. the threats. everything. i just want to be able to love finn, but everyone makes it so hard because they hate me. i can’t take it.” you began to sniffle and lilia heard. she pulled you into a tighter hug and whispered her advice into your ear.

“listen y/n/n, these people, they don’t know what the true y/n and finn looks like. all they know is what they see online. in your heart, you know how much you love him, and these people shouldn’t change your love for him.”

you cried on lilia’s shoulder for a while, thinking about everything.

and while lilia’s advice helped, it didn’t stop the comments from ruining your self esteem. you sat swaddle in blankets, tears running down your face most nights.

you never told finn about how much the comments hurt you, but he knew that you acknowledged their existence.

one day, when he came home from filming, he saw a sight that would scar him.

you had woken up from a nap and looked on your phone to see notifications of numerous hate comments. you didn’t look at them and walked down stairs to watch TV.

you turned on a random movie and got another notification

“god, what an ugly whore!!! you guys do realize that she’s probably just using him for his looks and money and once he becomes less famous, she’s gonna dump him and do the same with someone else. ugh.”

not to say that one was worse than some of the others, but that one in particular broke you. these comments had driven you to a point where you couldn’t take it anymore. you didn’t want to date him if this is what came with it.

right as the tears started flowing down your flushed cheeks, finn walked through the front door, letting out a sigh. when he lifted his head, he saw the girl he loved crying.

he ran towards your body, which was now racking with sobs.

he wrapped your frame in his arms and buried his face in your neck, and you buried your head in his. you continued to cry into his shoulder, staining his shirt with tears. you could feel him gently rubbing circles on the small of your back. he stopped his movements and pulled away from your neck to look you in your eyes.

“princess, do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” he said in his most gentle tone.

“your fans. they’ve completely destroyed me. they’re calling me whore and-and slut and telling me that i don’t deserve you and i’m starting to think that they’re right. you’re too good for me. i love you with all my heart, and i swear i’m not using you, but i don’t know that we can be togeth-”

he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours. when he pulled away, you could see the tears forming in his eyes.

“y/n, there is absolutely no way i am going to let you leave me because of some stupid hate comments. i’m going to deal with this right now.” he said as he pulled out his phone and started a live stream.

thousands of people joined in an instant, commenting a typical “OMG FINNIE” or “woah, finn’s live for once???”.

but then there were things like: “ew, why is finn with this whore?”

finn looked disgusted when he read that comment. he turned to you and you leaned your head in his shoulder while he began to talk.

“okay, this ends now. i love y/n with every fiber of my being. it hurts my heart to know that the people that ‘love’ me, can’t support my decision to be with the girl i love. all i ask, is that you leave y/n alone. i love you all very much, and have a great night.”

he ended the livestream, placing his phone down next to him and cuddling you. words couldn’t begin to explain how sorry he was that you had to go through that.

“baby, next time something like that happens, i need you to tell me. i can’t lose you.”

you and finn sat on the couch clinging to each other for dear life and sneaking an occasional kiss. this was the way you both wanted things to be.

and that’s how they would stay.


heyo. just saying that this imagines that i will post are not mine. i just find them on tumblr soooo hmm ya. enjoy :)

xoxo , -D

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