4- dating finn would include

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• Cuddles 24/7, no joke 

• He would invite you to Calpurnia's band rehearsals and you would be the one taking photos of them all 

• Your relationship is very private, but on your birthday/anniversary Finn will always post a photo of you and him 

• YOU GUYS TAKE THE CUTEST PHOTOS! One would be Finn asleep on your chest with his face all squished 

• Him taking you to all his premiers as his date but refusing to answer private questions for your sake 

"So, you brought your girlfriend here for the IT premier. How are things going? Is distance affecting your relationship?" 

"All I can say is me and Y/N are happy as two can be." 

• Saturdays are movie nights for the both of you 

• Finn would always when he's bored would boop your nose 

• He likes to have you lying on his chest when you guys watch a movie 

• He is supportive of everything you do and by everything I mean everything he just wants you to be happy 

• He’s the type of boyfriend that will make stupid photos of you his lockscreen even if you hated them. 

• When he's away filming he will always call you when he knows your timezone is at a reasonable time 

"Finn, babe, what time is it where you are?" 

"3am... I just wanted to call you." 

• He will call you every. Single. Night when he's away • If you get hate Finn will not put up with any of it, he will shut them down and post rants about it on Twitter 

• Finn would describe you as his sunshine because you make him so happy


 • He would play with your hair when you're sitting in front of him and he would even try to braid it 

• Soft kisses and a lot of nose kisses


credit: @/gibbonsofsummer on tumblr ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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