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taking step by step

you fall from afar.

my hands pressed against

your cheeks as you

cried. my heart broke,

from the crestfallen tears

flowing down them.

emotion isn't my specialty.

in fact I cannot handle

so much emotion or

I break.

but you.

you just up and left me

you took one foot infront

of the other.

you walked into a distance,

walked into the white fog.

the tears were a the brim of

my eyes, read to drip like

Niagara falls.

my hands trembled but fell to

my sides. it's like I've

been shot, it's like I cannot


you're happy, and I'll try my best

to support you.

but if it kills me that you won't

come back, I've

warned you.

depression engulfing itself.Where stories live. Discover now