Arc 1--- New world

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Wuxia Qin is the CEO of the world's most lethal assassination company. Renowned as the empress strategist and expert in uniting and forming an invincible group. However, a mysterious event occurs on her one day, as an unknown disease abruptly changes her daily life.

Wuxia instructed her right hand man to take care of the company temporarily while she recovered from a sudden disease on her body, but as she slept on her bed, her soul was drawn out by an unknown power, leaving her original body.

She opened her eyes, only to be met with darkness. A voice filled of anguish, rage, and pain can be heard all of a sudden.


Wuxia who is clueless of what is happening asked,"who are you" calmly

"Show your self!"

"Please avenge me and my family I am sorry if I pulled your soul to my body without your permission but I have have to.... please live again... I will give you my body just please... avenge me so I can leave this place peacefully..." The pained voice said to Wuxia




Wuxia listened as she absorbed what the voice said to her when she felt dizzy and closed her eyes again. She was enraged by the sudden occurrence that caused her to die, as well as perplexed by the girl's plea, but she couldn't do anything now and so forced herself to calm down.

Unidentified voices of two men startle Wuxia out of her trance, but she still can't open her eyes. For a while she listen to the people near her.

Did she wake up?

No,not yet

Those bastards dares to kill General Rou in a form of unfair competition so shameless! If only we notice what's wrong with our miss maybe this accident did not happen....If only we found miss earlier then I will beat that bastard until his face will not be recognized by his family!

Ahhh! shhh...calm down or else we will wake miss up

Unidentified voices of two men startle Wuxia out of her trance, but she still can't open her eyes. Wuxia heard what are they saying as she tried to open her eyes which still failed to open. Wuxia, who is still trying to figure out who the individuals next to her are and has no memory of what happened to herself.

LOOK! Chen Diyu the General is waking up!

Thank goodness! General can you hear me?!

Can you see us, General? Can you hear us bah?

Hush! your voice is too loud!

" I'm sure these guys are not my subordinates or my family's voices! Who are they talking about? General? Are they talking about me?" Wuxia frowns

When Wuxia finally open her eyes, she saw two unfamiliar faces and screams in surprise.

"AHHH!" her sudden scream surprised the two men as they can't help to scream too

"AH!"---The other guy shouts

"Eh!?"---The other guy's shrieks

The two astonished males abruptly leap from their seats, colliding with one another and collapsing on the hard floor, garnering two groans.

"....Ooops.." - Wuxia faked coughed and turn her head away from he two

As an assassin Wuxia immediately raise her guards due to the fact that she wakes up with two unknown guys looking at her as well the unfamiliar she is currently in.

Calming down, Wuxia examines the surroundings and her current physique.

White marbled ceiling
White marbled foot
White walls
Antique cabinets and tables
Big bed
Ancient way of clothing
Handsome guys wearing traditional Chinese clothes (she's pertaining to the two males on the floor)

The memories of her dying in her sleep, the mysterious voice, and how her soul was pulled out and transferred into an unknown body of a girl rush into her mind like lightning, prompting her to clutch her throbbing head and growl.


Wuxia's eyes widen and can't believe what is happening or the phenomena of being pulled out from her body and her world.

"Holy moly! I had truly been whisked to another world!

That mysterious voice really did it ah! \\0∆0// (pertaining to the original soul of the body she was in)

Wait.... Did they just called me general? (._.)

Wahhhhhhh I hope you like the first chapter!

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