Part One

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Chapter 1

My shoe, where is it?  "Scooby," I call out! Scooby, our tan standard poodle,  comes barreling  into my bedroom with my black suede stiletto pump. I am going to kill  that dog!  Scooby is goofy and clearly unrestrained, but indubitably the love of our lives. "Scooby drop it!" He unlocks his teeth from around  the heel and gets down on all fours. His butt in the air as he wags his  tail at me like we are now playing a game. He's beckoning me to throw my  shoe, my Stuart Weitzman shoe so he can go fetch, not happening."I'm  sorry Scoob, I don't have time to play right now." I slide my heel on,  still relatively intact, pat him on the head, close my bedroom door and  leave.

Today is the day that  I'm meeting my ex- husband's new girlfriend. Sam and I have been  divorced for 4 years now and unlike most divorced couples, we actually  like each other. I would even go so far as to say we are good friends.  Don't get me wrong we had to work hard to get to this place but now we  are here and our family is thriving. Sam comes over and helps me with  anything regarding the house and sometimes we still even vacation  together with the girls, strictly platonic, but comforting. Our girls,  Olivia 7, and Lucy, 5 split time with us both. We don't stick to an  insanely strict schedule but do try and provide consistency. Sam is tall  and good looking in a fatherly way now. His stomach muscles still  undefiled but now hiding behind a thicker layer of skin, okay fat. Sam  looks real now versus when we first met, back then he looked like a resplendent JCrew model. My mother has both of the girls. They had a sleepover at  her house last night so I could meet the newcomer first and then they would meet her next.  I pull into the quaint coffeehouse excited for Sam. I want him to have  love in his life again. Deep down, I think we both want a partner to  grow old with. Sam is just months away from hitting the big 40 so the  timing seems right. I, on the other hand am younger but feel like I've  missed my window of opportunity. 35, isn't old but it certainly isn't  young. I can't compete with a 25 year old with no kids nor do I want to.  "Ugh, stop it,"I tell myself and get out of the car.

As I open the door, the  sun is bouncing off the saffron polished concrete floors and for a split  second I can't see anything in front of me. My heel suddenly gets  caught on the rubber tile mat. Scooby has chewed on the bottom causing  the rubber tip to fray. I stand there yanking it out of the small hole  and proceed to go in. Both are staring in my direction. Sam has a tight  grin holding in the laughter at my mishap as he brushes his soft brown  bangs from his eyes. His girlfriend on the  contrary is smirking. Sam gets up from his chair and she follows suit.  "Tatum, this is Aaron." I smile immediately and then not really knowing  why, I hug her. I guess I am really happy that Sam has found someone. It  gives me some sort of hope. Sam has definitely dated but this is the  first time he  has introduced me or anyone else for that matter to someone he clearly  cares about. "I love when a name can be for a boy or a girl," I declare.  "Thank you," she says back politely. We all sit down, I on the side of  the table that is really meant for two. "Ta, we saw you almost fall back  there." "Ha ha, so nice of you to notice. Scooby stole another one of  my  shoes this morning." Aaron just sits quietly observing the comfortable  demeanor we have spent years establishing. I don't want her to think  there is something still between us so I turn my attention towards her.  Aaron has long sheen sandy blonde hair and big tawny brown eyes. I am  not sure how old she is but she looks young. She's cute like what one  would think of by "the girl next door." I decide not to ask her how they  met but focus solely on getting to know her personally. "Do you live on  this side of town?" "No." She doesn't go on and it's mildly awkward.  "Aaron lives in Milford," Sam adds. I don't know much about Milford and  have never been there. I believe it's 30 or so minutes from Cambridge.  "Oh, that's good, do you like Milford?" " I do for now. I live in a  townhome but have to commute to Boston for work." "What do you do for a  living?" "I'm a CRC, Clinical Research Coordinator." I have no idea what  that means but I am curious and somewhat impressed by the title. "What  does a CRC do? Cool title by the way." "I basically conduct clinical  trials per clinical practice guidelines, regulations." "Are these  clinical trials pertaining to health?" "Yeah, typically a pharma drug." I  notice Sam hangs on her every word and it's really sweet to witness.  "How did you two meet?" They look at each other and lovingly smile.  Aaron puts her head down and I wonder if she is just shy or the idea of  meeting me is unnerving. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. Sam  pipes up and says that they met on The T, the subway. "Aaron sat down  next to me, the only available seat and we started talking." Sam reaches  across the table and holds her hand gently. I feel like a third wheel  all of a sudden, definitely my cue to leave. No need to overwhelm her  anymore than we  probably already have. "Ah, I've got to get my day started so I will  leave  you two alone." I slowly ease out of my chair, my legs sticking to the  metal.  "It was so nice meeting you Aaron and I hope to see you  again soon." Sam stands with me, Aaron stays seated as we say our  goodbyes.

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