I gasp waking from a involuntary slumber to a dark room. I attempt to get up from the chair I'm sitting on but my arms are tied behind it. I hear a door creak open and foot steps. A figure appears outlined in shadow they click on a dim light and I see their face. It's Damian my best friend, but something's wrong. His eyes aren't right they have a malevolent glint that was never there before.
"Ahh, your finally awake. I was afraid I would have to wake you myself but I now see I was wrong" he says an insane grin on his face
"Damian! What the hell man?! Why am I here?!" I say my voice cracking fearing for my own life.
"Why Alex, I'm appalled you don't remember!" He says " You agreed to this yourself after all"
I stare at him confused thinking that I would never agree to let him tie me up in his basement
"I-I don't know what your talking about!" I say trying to stall him from what ever he was planning to do while I begin to wriggle my hands free of the rope
he chuckles "Oh Alex, always thinking and planning" he says taking out a knife and stabbing my leg
I scream in agony as the knife tears through my leg
"If you value your life you won't get to escape" he says that creepy grin flickering for just a moment
"Why am I doing this?" He says cutting me off "Well you said you would help me and the only way to help me is to" he pulls out the knife from my leg blood spurting staining my pant leg and his shirt red "Is to" he stabs me in the stomach causing me to yell again "Comply" he says gritting his teeth and pulling the knife out of my stomach causing more blood to bleed out of my body "To the voices. And the voices say to kill" And with that he precedes to stab me over and over again and again until he cuts the ropes holding restraining my hands and I slide off the chair and onto the ground Damian leaning down to look me in the eyes as I stare at the ceiling bleeding to death and says the last thing I ever will hear "Thank you for helping me Alex. You really are my BEST FRIEND"

Random Crap
RandomThis is a book for my ideas, short stories, character bios, and other things