Chapter seven

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Raelyn's P.O.V.
When I come to, i feel someone holding my hand. I look over and see Riker. "What happened?" He looks at me and smiles weakly. "You tried to kill yourself." I see the pain on his face. "Im sorry. I can't take the pain of not having a family anymore. My dad abandoned me with my abusive mom, my mom abandoned me to do god knows what, and everyone in this world hates me." Riker looks me,in the eye. "I don't hate you." I can see tears in his eyes and I look down. "I'm sorry. My mom married the snottiest man ever and left me for dead. My dad doesn't give a crap about what happens in my life...why can't I just die? It would be easier?" Riker makes me look at him. "Hey, babygirl, don't talk like that. As long as I'm around, you will be alive and well, do you understand me?" I nod and squeeze his hand and send him a small smile.

A\N: hey, sorry for not updating. I have a bit of writers block, and I know this story is really crappy. Im gonna need five votes and ten comments for the next chapter though, please. Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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