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  Rachel's POV
    Ladies Get Ready!" I hear from Bertha😒.I just walk slow to be spitful to my chair to get ready.I start to do my makeup.I put smokey eye on my eyelids with my brush.I picked black and silver eyeshadow,then I swipe on a little blush on my cheeks and leave my lips like they were and put some carmax on. Then,I do my mascara and blackeyeliner after that,I grab my outfit I'm wearing for my performance.

  What I'm currently wearing right now is my black lingerie.I go grab my outfit off the rack.I slide on my black half cut bodysuit,that top has a neck line collar and a opening in the front exposing my cleavage with rhinestones on the top.The top also has lines going down on the side connecting to the bottoms which also exposes my belly.Then,my bottoms have rhinestones on the forming a side ways diamond.

Finally,the back makes a half oval connected to my neck collar exposing the rest of the back just black covered in rhinestones.I put on my black stilettos and straighten my curly black hair with the flat iron to finsh off my look.I see girl after girl with there outfits on walk one by one in and out on and off the stage until I hear "Aquamirine".

  It's my stage name quick breif explanation they called me this because the color of my eyes are "Aquamirine Blue" and when I did my auditions that's the first thing they commented me on were my eyes. Everyone would say they wanted my eye color.But I found the colors of my eyes no big thing.I hear"Aquamirine I'm not gonna call you again"I hear Bertha say I look in the mirror one more time then I stand up and head on stage.

  I say "Hit It!" then I hear "Dance for You by Beyoncé" Come on I walk slowly and sexy to my positon and start to move my body sensually to the music and when I hear "Sit Back,Sit Back,It's the Freak Game Show Daddy you know what's up" I slowly walk up to the pole and put my hand on top of the pole and the other a little bit lower and let my legs swing around the pole and let them"Swiftly"land on the floor.I then continue to the swing different ways around the pole and also dance sexually amd sensually with the song.Also,when these lyrics come on"I'll be rocking on you babe,Rocking,Rocking on you babe,I'll be Swirling on you babe,Swirling,Swirling on you babe,Wanna make that body rock sit back and Watch!"I "slowly" crawl on the floor to a man that was eyeing me the whole time up on the stage as well as the other men was but he caught my attention for some reason.

  I grab his tie look him in his eyes wink and let go and put my hand behind my head and grind slowly in the air while while still on my knees then turn around put my hands on the floor open my legs and close them as I twerk near his face as he eyes my body and ass the whole time as look back at him as I dance for him awhile and I get up and walk to "slowly" back to continue dancing until the songs over.I look back and wink at him and continue to walk off the stage.

  I was the last act I hurry back to my seat to change into my white croptop that says "Fuck You" and slide on my black jeans and put on my blacks boots then put my hair in a ponytail and walk to the stage after everyone leaves. I continue to walk to the stage. I bend over on the floor and grab my money and put it my bag.I hear someone clears they're throat.I jump to the noise off it and look back I see the man I put a little show on for standing on the stage. I say "look who is" he replies with "Great Performance" while "winking" at me.

  I just say "Thanks I'll be on my way,I'll guess I'll See Ya Tomorrow" I start to walk away and I feel hands go behind my waist.I think I just wet my lingerie and I turn around and I'm face to face with his "attractive self" and goregous green eyes.He smiles and just start down at my breasts. I say "Hey!Hey! Eyes up here pretty boy".He says "Sure" I say "What" he says "Your shirt says Fuck Me and I said sure". I just face palm my face for a minute.

  I begin to say "What's your name anyway" he replies with "Alexander Smith" I say well "Alexander Smith it was nice to talk to you but I have to get going" before he unwraps me he says "Can I buy you a drink" I start to think well he is pretty sexy but I don't know him but we can get to know eachother soo.. I say "Sure why not" I head back to grab my stuff.

Alexander POV
  I watch as she walks back stage man was she sexy.She comes back with her stuff and I unlock my car open the door for her. She climbs and sits nexts to me she smiles at me I smile back and get inside the car close the doors and lock them. I start the car as I press my foot on gas and start to drive. As I get out the parking space and finally on the road.We start to chat about life and I don't tell her yet where I work instead I try to avoid the workplace questions as I don't want her to try and use me.We chat about our childhoods and hobbies and stuff.She does tell me when she was little she wanted a real job so she could get enough money to pay for more things and her to start her career of becoming a singer.But she had to get the money first to get her studio, a manager ti get gigs for her and stuff like that to make it come true.

  We finally get there I get out the car to open the door for her she steps out.I lock the cars doors.I open the door for her she sits at the chair and says "1 Martini please" I sit next to her and order "2 Old Fashioned please" the bartender goes to get our drink then I ask her"What's your real name " she says "Rachel Cartwright"  and she says "How old are you" I say "24" she says "Cool I'm 21" Her I eyes are just beautiful.Our drinks gets here she gulped her's down we get on a deeper level in our conversation as we talk but while we are she's asking for more drinks she just gulps down one after one.

  I'm pretty sure she was wasted now because she had slurr in her words and began to fall asleep I pay for her and our drinks.Then, I pick her up bridal style then ask her and I say "Ok Rachel Cartwright where do you live?". She says "Mhmpph" I say "Okay then I guess your going to my place".I just look at her features for awhile she has pretty black straight hair,Aquamarine blue eyes,a narrow nose,pink full lips,curvy body and fair skin.She was a sight for sore eyes.Then I snap into realisation and start to walk out the bar and head to the car.

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What will happen when Alexander takes Rachel to his house😏

Wink* Wink* the next chapter will not be very smutty😉

Anyway also comment below if his should continue and thank you for reading😊

If they're any errors please excuse them as may not have came across them while reading over🤔

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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