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I hear whispers around me but I am to tired to open my eyes.
"We should make a plan before we get there."
"Ya that's a good idea."
"So do you think that girl was right? Are they going to take us to a prison camp?"
"Ha. No way. She's just being stupid."
I open my eyes and sit upright, looking at the blonde hair boy in front of me. "What's your name?"
"Well Blake, you must be pretty stupid yourself if you think I was asleep." I look at him and smirk. You don't get to call me stupid and get away with it.
"You were asleep." He retorts.
"And how do you know that?" I frown slightly, I myself knew that I was sleeping but I didn't want him to know that.
It was now his time to smirk at me. "I know because your head was leaning on his shoulder," he nods at the boy beside me. "And you were drooling slightly."
I glare at him and lick the side of my mouth, and sure enough, there was a bit of dried drool there.
"So who were you dreaming about?" Blake's smirk grows bigger.
"I don't know. It's not like I can just remember my dreams." I glare at him again and then roll my eyes.
"So you were sleeping." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.
"I. No. Well. Maybe." I mumble and look at the ground as I feel the blood rush to my cheeks.
"Oooo someone got showed." Someone from the end of the truck laughed.
I glance at the boy who I was supposably sleeping on while everyone else turns to listen to Blake's plan.
He had sparkling light brown eyes and was very good looking but that didn't help my embarrassment. He's wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood resting on top of his dark brown hair. His skinny jeans were black and the only difference of clothing from Zak was that he didn't have a silver belt on, his was brown.
He turns his head and notices me looking at him. I quickly look at the ground feeling my cheeks heat up.
"What's wrong? You seem really jumpy." He chuckles slightly and I straitened my back and look at him.
"Well, not including how I'm being kidnapped and how I was just caught sleeping on you, I'm totally fine."
He laughs again and smiles at me. "Don't worry about sleeping on me, you were barely leaning on me and if I where in your situation I'd be completely draped over you."
I notice that whenever he smiles he gets slight dimples on his cheeks. I open my mouth to say something when the truck suddenly brakes. The sudden stop makes me fall onto the guy I was just talking to.
"Good god, I'm sorry." I blurt out quickly and get off of him, which is actually quite hard saying I can't move my hands.
"Don't worry. Not your fault."
Before I can reply the door bursts open and Zak hops up into the small space.
"Miss me?" He stops in front of me and smirks.
I roll my eyes and I'm about to say something but he picks me up bridal style again.
"Off we go!" He says as we jump out the back of the truck.
We turn to face the door again as another man dressed in black hops in. I watch as the man stops in front of the guy with the hoodie and tries to pick him up.
"Don't you dare touch me." Hoodie growls at the man in black and I smirk.
"Well your going to have to come with me and if I don't carry you I'll drag you." The man in black replies in a creepily calm tone.
"Let's make a deal. If you untie my legs I'll walk in front of you without running away." Hoodie replies back glaring at the man.
"No can do." The man replies as he grabs Hoodies arm and pulls him up.
The man drags Hoodie out the truck but once their feet touch the ground, hoodie immediately starts squirming and moving around. The man tries to drag him towards us but hoodie just pulls his arm away and plops down on the ground. I laugh under my breath. He looks like a preschooler who didn't get his dessert.
"I'm not moving until you untie my feet." Hoodie growls.
The man turns to look at me and Zak and then walks over to Hoodie. He cuts his bonds on his legs and then pulls him up. The man walks around to Hoodies back and presses a knife to it.
Zak turns around and we start walking on a deer trail through a forest. After about twenty minutes of being carried we emerge from the forest into a giant clearing about the size of six football fields. I gasp as I see the huge building occupying most of the clearing. As we start walking towards it I watch as the building seems to grow. The four stories have evenly space windows with bars across them. The giant barb wired fence surrounded three sides of the building. The building itself is a dull grey concrete and it sends shivers down my spine. We stop in front of a metal door and Zak nocks on it. It seems to not have a doorknob of any type so there is probably someone waiting inside to open it. Suddenly it swings open and an old man is standing in the doorway. He moves to the side as we walk by him.
We walk through hallways with metal doors every fifteen feet. I try to remember which hallways we take but every single one is the exact same and soon I'm completely lost. We climb two sets of stairs and walk down three more hallways. The hallways on this floor are almost pitch black and the only light is the flickering light bulbs placed every thirty feet. We turn a corner and the doors switch from metal to barred. I look through the bars and see people sitting on rusted metal beds with mouldy mattresses. We stop at one of the last doors and Zak moves forward and unlocks the door with a key. He carries me inside and leans me against one of the cold concrete walls. As he walks out the other guy pushes Hoodie into the cell hard enough for him to fall over. He turns over at the last second and falls on his back instead of his face, but it still looks painful. The door slams closed and I hear the click of a key in a lock. Hoodie moves towards the opposite wall and sits down, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling.
"You okay?" I ask the boy who I've nicknamed Hoodie.
"Hm?" He looks at me and then his serious face disappears and is replaced with a smile. "Ya don't worry about me, I've had worse. What's your name?"
"Diamond." I look down, slightly embarrassed to have a jewel as a name.
"Nice. I'm Dylan."
I look up and see him smiling at me so I smile back. I suddenly remember that I have a knife in the pocket of my shorts.
"Umm Dylan." I look out the door to make sure no guards were there. Luckily there wasn't.
"I- Umm I have a knife in my pocket." I look back at him to see him smile even wider.
"Really! that's great!"
"There's one problem though. I can't reach it." I frown slightly and look down at my pocket.
"Oh. Well don't worry I can get it!" Before I can reject he stands up and walks over to me. "Okay so which pocket is it in?"
"The left one." I nod towards the pocket with the knife.
"Okay." He says as he slides down the wall. He moves around so his back is facing me. He turns his head to smile at me and looks down slightly.
His hands are still tied behind his back so it's a little harder than usual. He sticks his hand in my pocket and I feel his hand wrap around the knife.
"I got it!" He yells triumphantly as he pulls it out of my pocket.
I laugh but stop short when I hear someone from the door say, "got what?"

Okay so imagine Dylan as Dylan O'brien. And Hoodie was a nickname Diamond made up 'cause she didn't know Dylan's name.
SONG OF THE DAY: Before I Exit - I like that
Just for your information, the guy on the cover is Dylan O'brien.
Have a good day/night.<3

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