Its Me

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"Hi, I'm Sophia" I said as I introduced myself to my fellow teammates. I'm not that very open at first it takes a while for me to open up. I began chatting a lot. I began running ending of freshman year it interested me and took away all my problems. I thought why not do cross country at my school? I can be a running mountain lion at Mountain View High-school. Seemed nice moving from New York to North Carolina was a change new friends. Not like I made any yet but still.

In almost a month I'll be 16 ! I couldn't wait but the only problem the coach said we have practice on my birthday. In the morning ! I thought he was insane in New York practice for cross country was after school only not in the morning. But I didn't mind anymore. First day of school I hear "wait up Sophia" I didn't think anyone knew me. I turned and saw that it was Noel.

"Sophia wanna go get a smoothie after school?"

"Noel don't we have practice?" I responded

"Duh, after practice" he laughed slightly.

"Sure we can meet up-" as he cut me off and said "I'll find you." and walked off to his next class.

I thought Noel was cute with his curly hair and him being 5'11 and being a runner I liked a lot. He was my friends best friend tho her name was Erin. Erin was gorgeous I thought for sure they liked each other I previously asked if she liked him she screamed "no that's my best friend end of discussion" It felt a little odd. But I continued thinking about Noel dazing off during class.

The day had came to an end I quickly put in my headphones so no one would try a conversation with the new girl. I walked up the stairs the closest one to my locker. As I was walking I felt someone grab my arm I turned to look and it was Noel smiling and he kindly asked how my day was.

"Fine and yours Noel?" As I had the biggest smile on my face

"Sophia, did you get lost at all today?" He giggled a little

"I said yes a tad bit thank you for laughing at the new girl." I giggled back

He replied "no problem my first thing to do is to make fun of a pretty girl and then have her laugh"

Hold on did he just say pretty.. I said "pretty ha me ? A joke your so funny Noel"

He smiled and walked to the boys locker room. I saw him out waiting for practice to start and I didn't want to bother him so I started to stretch and sat by a group of girls. I felt him some times taking quick glimpses at me because I was looking at him so very often. Well we started 1 mile warm up, to hills, to strides, to 2 mile cool down. And I believed coach when he said it was an easy day. After practice I walked out the locker room looked at my watch and I saw it said 5:30 where could Noel be?

"Sophia!" I hear in a distance as I turn Noel I see looking sweaty but still cute and attractive showing his muscles in his blue cut off shirt.

"Well hello there Noel" I said.

"I told you I'd find you" he laughed and began walking.

We quickly walked to the car. On the ride to the smoothie shop he talked about himself. His girlfriend previously cheated on him. I questioned my self who would cheat on him? She's crazy. Well we got to the smoothie shop and got our drinks and sat down.

"So let's get to know each other Sophia" he said and glared at me.

"Okay, let's see I have 3 older sist-" I said before he cut me off

"Not that I want to know you like your favorite color, food, movie, what you like or dislike." he replied and waited for an answer.

"Mmhm I like the color Blue, Pizza is life, Lone Survivor is my life and I like a lot of things and I dislike scary movies" I giggled.

"Scary movies well now I guess we have to watch one now" he said.

"Noel no I will not watch one I can't I will close my eyes shut I can't no no no." I said in a serious voice.

"Sophia you won't be scared with me I swear" he said and looked me in the eyes.

This boy had me going crazy. Inside.


Tell me what you think?! Sorry if it's short I wanna see what you guys think?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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