a bad beggining

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Once upon a time in a wonderful place called England where the streets were made of cobble stone,the sky was as blue as the ocean and the grass was as green emeralds and on an average day everybodies faces were full of glee.
Sadly though things were different on that faithful day the sky was dim and gloomy the,grass was burnt,the cobble stone cracked and no one was happy that day for a house had recently caught ablaze with only one person surviving a young boy with Brown hair and dim black eyes was crawling out of the wreckage.
Tears welled from his eyes knowing he was the only one who survived he crawled and crawled until he collapsed from pain he turned over on his back to look at the sky.

If some one were to walk by they surely would have thought he had died since he looked like a rotten corpse he was covered in dirt and sweat from the heat of the fire,was bleeding from his arm after cutting it on a sharp piece of metal while crawiling out and was losing conciousness due to fatigue.
Thankfully one person was walking by and saw the horrible accident and decided it was best to load him into thier horse drawn carriage and drive away than it was to leave him there.
He rested his head on the window and looked out at all of England as they drove by each house He couldn't believe what had happned.
The carriage pulled over at the castle the carriage driver opened the door but noticed He couldn't walk so he carried him inside.

Inside the castle was huge ivory pillars and a long red carpet leading to the throne there wasnt a speck of dirt or anything aside from the blood and dirt the child had all over him.
There was also two giant thrones they had lots of pretty carvings on them especially on the queens and on the thrones sat two people the king and queen.
The queen had Blonde hair that was kept in a short bob cut she wore a beautiful crown with shiny purple gems on it and a long purple ball gown.
The king could easily be mistaken for a male version of her they had the same hair color the same outfit color hell even thier crowns looked almost identical the only difference was he was wearing a tux and not a dress and his hair was styled like a nice comb over.
The man bowed at the sight of them and the king gave him a gesture that basically said at ease "your majesty I have found a boy I believe his parents are dead" the man said in a deep gravely voice.

The boys crying became louder he knew his parents were gone but for some one to actually say it shattered him.
The king got up from his throne and walked over to the small child "what is your name?" he said kneeling down to his eye level "juh-juh-jona-thuh-than" he stuttered in a very meek tone "hmmm Jonathan do you mind if I call you Jon" the king asked.
Jon shook his head no slowly and the king turned away from him towards his queen "what shall we do with him dear? Shall we let him live with the servants and work in exchange for shelter?shall we send him to the orphanage?" the king said and then chuckled.
"He's far to young to work darling I believe the orphanage is the best place for him." the queen stated looking at her nails "very well orphanage it is" he said calmly and turned to face the man who carried Jon in "Albert clean the boy up and then since it's getting late let him rest in the servant quarters for the night then take him to the orphanage tomorrow." the king ordered Albert nodded and led him to the servant quarters.
Once they got there they bandaged him up and cleaned him he was then put in a bed as an attempt to try to get him to fall asleep though he was feeling far to restless from the accident and when everyone else wasn't awake he decided to walk around the castle a bit.

He stared in awe at all the pretty tapestries and paintings until he found a big wooden door it was cracked open a bit so Jon could peer through it He saw a boy with blonde hair who was around his age playing with a toy train next to a fire place and the king trying to get him to stay quiet and possibly go to bed.
Jon smiled thinking back to when his parents would do the same to him but the smile turned into a frown and Jon let out couple tears He turned away from the door and walked off to explore the castle more.
When he was walking he bumped into another kid this one looked about three years older than him and was a Mexican American this wasn't an odd thing to see as many Mexicans and many other races were sold into slavery by other Americans during this time it was a sad truth but it was the truth.
The older boy was confused by Jon's presence "how come i havent seen you before I know eveyone who works here" the boy said puzzled.
"oh im Jon I'm not a servant I'm just staying here until I get taken to the orphanage tomorrow you see my parents..." jon teared up When he mentioned his parents "ah I see...." the older boy said "I lost my parents when I was younger to...." the older boy said sorrowfully.

He then extended his hand to Jon "I'm eduardo" Jon grabbed it and shaked it grateful to have some one to relate to.
Eduardo smiled "come one let me give a proper tour of this castle" he laughed.

(Yeah so I'll make more chapters if people care enough)

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