Charity ball

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~ten years later~
Jon stared at the cracked mirror in his bedroom he never got adopted but he didn't mind he was fifteen now and even though the pain of losing his parents was still there he had gone through the mourning process already and had moved on quite a bit.
Jon walked out of the orphanage and onto the busy cobble stone streets of england it was a bright sunny day perfect to meet up with his now best friend Eduardo ever since they met that night at the castle and they spent all night laughing and goofing around they had been inseparable ever since.
Jon walked towards the castle but was stopped when he was greeted by a thin tall blonde man who was about seventeen it was the prince,Prince mark to be exact.

Jon felt embarresed in his presence as if just being near some one as perfect in appearance as Prince mark was enough to make anyone feel inferior.
"Hello" said Prince mark "Hello your highness" Jon said bowing "what brings you here today and please no need to be formal calling me mark would be just fine" said mark.
Jon stopped bowing and started to smile knowing the Prince wasn't gonna be mean to him just because he wasn't the best at manners "well I'm looking for my friend Eduardo he's a servant here-" Jon was then cut off midscentence by the Prince "oh!I know him he put a frog in my bed when I was seven as a prank and almost got sent to the dungeon for it." Jon blushed embarresed that his friend did that Eduardo was always doing stupid stuff like that and it always made him feel really dumb for knowing him.
Jon began to speak very meekly "oh I'm sorry." he said still blushing "oh it's fine afterall it was nine years ago no harm no foul." Mark said smiling.

Jon felt very uneasy whenever he was near the Prince it was a weird mixture of envy for how strong and cool he was and love for how sweet and funny he was he had met him a couple times prior but the day he really found he cared for him and had an actual crush on him was the day of a charity ball they were holding for the orphanage at the castle.
~flaaaaaaaassh baaaaaack~
Jon was sitting at a table with another kid from the orphanage they were only about twelve and were very nervous to be in such a grand place Jon was a little less nervous though as he had been there once before the day before he went to the orphanage.
Jon rose to go to the buffet but was stopped dead in his tracks by mark "oh!" he exclaimed "you must be one of the kids from the orphanage!" said mark "o-oh...yes..." Jon replied.
Mark stared at Jon's suit "I like your clothes." mark stated as Jon began to blush "oh thank you your highness." Jon uttered.

Mark looked around trying to find something to talk about just one little thing to break the unbearable silence between them he then glanced at the piano player he was playing a terrible tune that sounded about as good as nails on a chalk board.
"Heh man that piano player sucks sounds like a dieing horse" mark said they laughed a little and then Jon jokingly impersanted a pony by neighing mark laughed a little harder than before.
Mark smiled "you're funny." He said still giggling a bit Jon blushed "man the music is pretty loud can we go some where secluded where it's more quiet?" Jon inquired "oh we could go to the garden together" mark said and Jon got really happy at the suggestion "okay!" Jon said and they walked away hand in hand into the garden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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Prince In Sheep's Clothing(a mark x Jon fan fic for eddsworld)Where stories live. Discover now