Unknown: great job Zach you added the wrong number!
Unknown: sorry! It's not my fault
Me: I can leave?
Unknown: it's fine, what's a new friend anyways?
Daniels POV I woke up the next day, and Shay was still asleep. So I got up trying not to make any noise, but that did happen. Will I was walking I stumped my toe. Me: shit! She got up and stared at me while I held my door in pain. Shay: Dani? You okay. Me:y-yeah fine. Just going to make breakfast. Shay: ou! I'm coming She jumped out of the bed and started walking down the stairs, while I followed her. I went to go pull out the pancake batter, to find that we don't have any. Me: how are we gonna make breakfast?! Shay: here I got it. She went to the fridge and pulled out bunches of ingredients. And started to mix them together. Once she was finished she showed them to me. Shay: now we have pancake batter! Me: woah it's from scratch? Shay: sure is. She smiled as I kissed her forehead and started to make pancakes. She went and started to make bacon and eyes. When we were almost finished, the rest of the boys came down. Jonah: we finally get real breakfast? Jack: mom? Dad? Is that you. Zach: will it be like this all the time with Shay here? Shay: y'all are asking lots of questions. She said as she giggled and put all the bacon onto one plate, and put the eggs on another. I shortly came around with the pancakes. Shay: here y'all go boys. She handed them a plate full of food as they looked at the food and then at shay with love. Me: the pancakes are made from scratch. All of the boys at the pancakes, and started talking mouth still full. Corbyn: these are flipping amazing! Zach: bro I think I love y'all! Jack: can she stay forever? Jonah: don't tell my mom, but these are better then hers! We laughed at them as we all finish are breakfast. Me and Shay then went upstairs to get ready for our date. Shay: what do I need to wear. Me: wear clothes, but put a swimsuit on under it. Shay: okay?
Shays POV
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I wore this and put my swimsuit on underneath. When I walked out Daniel just stared at me. I snapped my fingers in his face. Me: hey! It's not nice to stare! Daniel: well it's hard not to. I giggled as we went to grab our skateboards, and just started riding them until we hit the beach. Once we got there, the sun was setting. She we put our clothes and skateboard all in one spot. And went to go swim in the ocean.
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I was wearing this swimsuit, and we were messing around in the water. Daniel picked me up over his shoulder, and threw me in the water. When I came back, up he looked at me with a look of seriousness in his face. Me: Dani- Daniel: Shay ever since you were added into that group chat, I've instantly fell in love with your personality. Then once I met you, I drooled over how beautiful you were. I can't get you off my mind, that's why I was wondering if you'd be mine? And I wanted to know if you'd be my girlfriend?
Aweeee this is to cute! Aghbut anyways thanks for reading!!!