My point of view
Beep Beep beep my alarm went off I got out of my warm warm bed and I was cold so I went over to the bathroom and I got a shower managed to clean my body so then I got out of my warm shower and got dressed and then I knew that I had to go to school and at school I had this crush on the boy that was the leader of the foot ball team and then at school he walked up to me and said hello how are you and I turned around and said hello will a smile on my face did Luke just talk to me (by the way he is the leader of the foot ball team but foot ball is over for the rest of the year) he wanted to be friends because he knew that girls and boy that are friend will probably be girl friend and not Friend soon so I said shore is that ok with Miya I said yes and what do you mean well are you to still dating or no because I do not want to come between your relation ship we broke up so I he's I will see you later wait what class are you in I said well English then math then cemetery then lunch then nothing going home Luke said well that is the same classes I have do you want to go together I asked shore One think he asked what is your name my name is Samantha but you can call me Sami or babe I said I will call you babe so do you want it go to class we do not want to be late and on our way to class he did that he quit the foot ball team and he was in a band so I said what wait what is lit call I swear if it is 5sos I will freak out i said well it is 5sos and we are friends with one direction so well we better get in class I think so to
After class that day
So babe do you want to come to my house I said no but do you want to come to my house I have to do stuff but we can walk to my house and you can help if you want all I have to do is clean my room she said well I guess sense we are already going to your house well do you want to be my girl friend or no I holt did you just say girlfriend and boyfriend or what yes I did da yes I want to be Girl friend I wanted to be your friend sense kindergarten well can we kiss when we get to your house well we are already her well let's go in then after you my lade so she want in first sine well do you want to kiss or what she said I did not say any thing I just kissed her and it want on for a long time it started at 7 and ended at 7:02 so it was 2 minutes long that is a long time for me so we want to her room and cleans up and al that and than we wanted a move she was curled up and her head was snug on my cheats and to me we became girlfriend and boyfriend I am so happy.
So I hope you like the fist sorry all the chapters are going to be short and you will probably not like the store but if you do please comment and subscribe down below for more love you so so much and
Stay beautiful💞 ❤️and wen you grow up get married 💍💭have a gear ring and keel reading my stuff💍and with a Diamond on the ring💎