Today is the big day ones again I woke up with Luke cuddling with me i am glade we have not had sex because I will lose my virginity and that would be sad😥 so I woke up and I woke Luke up by kissing again I love doing that on him and waking him up so I got all of the things ready for the wedding and then we will have it so I got my mom to get the cake she got it it was chocolate and vanilla I loved chocolate it was the best in the world but my friend didn't like chocolate so I got vanilla I liked both so I went to the wedding and put in my dress on and the people that are so post to be beside me and my BFF is the persons that is beside me I love it and going to marry my boy well Luke is my boy so ya when they got the part were the man says things so he said that you may kiss the bride we kisses and it was long I loved it it was the best and when the wedding was over we went to my house and it was at night we started to go in to sex it was long
Sorry guys I will not talk about sex I of not want to sorry not that long of a Chap I am so sorry I love you guys
stay beautiful❤️💞