Chapter 19

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In life, you always have a choice.

But here I am confused of which bag to carry that isn't the heaviest. The last time I've been in the gym was months ago. Not because of the daily chores in the mansion, I probably looked like a whale right now especially that Beth has this skill of producing mouthwatering foods all the time.

And what am I doing here anyway? I should still be in the party and jugging some margarita or dance on tables. When Aiden called me, I thought he wanted me to be James Bond wandering at the party with my disguise which happens to be a real one if you understood. But I'm here doing chores.

"Are you okay you don't need help on that?"

I didn't notice Brad, aka big brother is following me.

I really need more hands but looking at him with two bigger strollers on both , yeah I'm more okay.

"I'm okay. Where's your room by the way Sir...?"

"It's on the edge of this hall. Thanks for helping by the way."

"It's my job."

"Are you working in this hotel or for my brother."

A question with a hint of suspicion.

"Mostly for your brother. He wants me to attend to your needs while he's still looking for a specialist."

Poor brother

"Well, I know I have memory issues but that doesn't mean I'm incapable."

"Don't worry, I'll just be helping you with some stuff, not to spoon feed you."

"Smart mouth."

"Apologies. Here is your room. Do you need something else."

"If you see my brother, tell him I need to talk to him about something."

"Noted. If you need my help, call me."

"Are you doing two jobs at once?"

"For the meantime, I'm assigned to you. I don't have a choice."

"Don't worry, I won't bother you that much."

"I have to go now Sir."


"Dan sir."

"Thanks Dan. You can call me Brad. I like your skirt, reminds me of someone."

"Appreciate it Sir. I'd like to know who, she might be a fashion rival."

"My head's not sure yet."

"Maybe next time a clue."

"I'm not keeping you. Goodnight Dan."

"Goodnight Sir."

I waited for the door to close before I stretch my arms and then remember what happened earlier at the party. I haven't thanked him for saving my life though he insulted me in the process.
I hated him for making me feel like it's my fault to be assaulted by some drunk guy. If I know that would happen in the first place, I should have not accepted his "invitation". Well I enjoyed the drinks and food and it's a new ambiance from the kitchen, garden, dust and a grumpy boss I encounter everyday.

I can't be at peace if I don't thank the person who helped me so I'll see if I can't find a way to do it. And so that I can slap him hard for real.

Ring, ringggg. Speaking of the devil.

"So, how was he?"

"He's now settled. Is this a new task or a job?"

"Task. I want you to monitor him."

"Like what? Check if he eats, sleep or taken his bath? that's ridiculous"

"I'd like to know if he remembers. And your job is to tell me if that happens."

"How long will this be Aid-Sir?"

"Few weeks, don't worry you'll be compensated well."

"Good. Now where should I sleep?"

"Driver is waiting for you outside. You left a book open in the library."

Speaking of that..

"Yeah, I remember."


Brad isn't hard to deal with unlike Aiden. I can feel his struggles in remembering the memory he had lost.

I know Aiden has been very skeptical on what really happened to his brother. I know he thinks that his brother was making it all up - the amnesia. But for me I know that there's something or someone behind Brad's disapperance but why? Is it because of a personal revenge or something to do with business? Or a scorned woman who he left heartbroken?

"Aiden sends you these files for you to check.. So how's your therapy sir?

"You checking if I'm okay or my brother told you to ask?"

"If I answer either will you believe?"

"Well, I guess I won't."

"I'll leave the paper's here and I already told the driver to prepare the car. You're brother expects you to be in the office in an hour."

"Okay. Thank you."

"About my therapy, I remembered few faces but I don't know who are they. If they're part of a bad past, I hope I won't remember them anymore you know."

"Bad memories keep you going. It's sometimes still affects you but that's life, either you forget them or make something good out of it." It just came out from my mouth. Damn Dan with your mouth.

"That's deep. Must had worst."

"Worst but I'm getting over it.. I'll be going back to the mansion."

"You'll be good."

"I know. Bye."

I left the hotel with teary eyes. I thought I have gotten over the feeling of my parent's death.

The longer I'm on this disguise, the harder for me to take actions especially that I have two guys to take care of. Two gorgeous guys on me, what a blessing. I winced.

In my room I'm examining the papers I just handed to Brad. I made a copy of them earlier. The papers are contracts of few of their acquired properties and Brad's signature were on them.

It's been a long time since I had this evil smile.

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