Chapter four

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Rina fell from the sky into a meadow with crystallized flowers spreading across it, the sun was high in the sky. What? This is not possible, it was the middle of the night just now. Where am I? All Rina knew was that she was not on earth anymore then she knew where her parents are. As Rina looked around, still in a state of shock, thunder struck and seemed to rip open the sky. Theo fell from the void that sent Rina here. "Where are we?" Rina asked, puzzled. Theo had said it was his home like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"When you said prepare to be amazed, I did not expect this. Like, what are those?" Rina said pointing at the flowers.
"Oh, they are one of the native flowers here." Theo pointed out. Rina suggested that they should get going. Theo took out a crystal the colour of gingerline. "Hold on to my arm tight. Get ready to teleport." Theo instructed. He brought the crystal to the sun light, as soon as light hit it, flames wrapped around the crystal. Before Rina could react, they had teleported. The process had felt weird, like she was slowly getting pulled apart then pieced back again.
The world cleared, Rina and Theo now standing in front of a maleficent house. It was built on the side of a mountain, the view was amazing. If Rina had time, she would definitely do some climbing up the mountains or hike down it. The house was made of marble, but even though it looked smaller than Rina had thought it would, the house looked like it was pulled right out of a fairytale. A woman looking similar to Theo walked out of the house. "Hello Theo, I see you have brought a guest. Well, come in, what are you waiting for. And you? You look beautiful dear, has Theo been welcoming? Oh, you must be very hungry too, probably overwhelmed from the fact that your parents are gone... Oh ya, and tired, come in I will show you where you would be staying for now. My name is Mariana Stone, Theo is my son, what is your name?" The woman said sweetly.
"My name is Rina, you can call me Rin if you like."

Ahhhhhhhhhh this chapter is so confusing!!! Sorry for the bad grammar and short chapters. Mind you, I am only in fifth grade. Meaning, my writing sucks. The plot is also very confusing, sorry! If anyone can write a detailed description I can use for Theo's house, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!

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