Frisky Ending (Lemon)

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Three years had gone by after Frisk had broken the barrier and Monsters resurfaced.

And in those three years, much has happened. Being the ambassadors to Humans was quite the title to hold, but you and Frisk managed to convince the humans in the city that Monsters were completely harmless. Sure, it took a bit of time, but with some convincing, the City Govner (I think thats who it is) passed a law that Monsters and Humans live shall in peace.

And the monster people loved it up on the surface. Granted, some Monster people still lived inside Mt. Ebbot, as it was their home and they had grown attached, but a good handful of them lived just outside the city and in the forest near the bottom of Mt. Ebbot. Why there? Well, the city is busy building suitable homes for Monsters.

But, as long as everyone got along, you and Frisk did your best to help teach the Monsters the rights and wrong. Such as Sans and Papyrus learning about certain units of measurement at a local coffee shop.

But, other than a few minor accidents here and there, the Monsters grew accustomed to the laws. And pretty quick if I might add.

You and Frisk were in your final year of High School. Finals were coming up, but a little break couldn't hurt. While Math wasn't your strong suit, you ended up earning a scholarship due to your skills in Baseball. Frisk was more of the opposite, having high grades and being top of the class.

Of course, you both had your fair share of problems, such as bullies picking on either of you, people insulting you for letting out Monsters, and the list goes on. But, one of you were always there to help get out of the situation. Even some of your Monster friends came to help.

Speaking of friends, Undyne, her and Alphys ended up dating. While it was weird seeing a fish and a reptile become a couple, you did support them from the sidelines. Alphys even got a group of friends that were into anime just much as she was. It was weird seeing her fangirl about a cat girl, but what can you do?

As for the others, Toriel became an elementary school teacher for young monsters and children, Asgore became a gardener for said school, Papyrus ended up owning a red sports car, and Sans became a comedian at a bar.

As for yourself and Frisk, you didn't change much. Just a simple haircut and new clothes is all you got. As for Frisk, she only changed a small bit. She changed her hair throughout the years, but ended up staying with her hair in a bun. Maybe it was the fact that you told her she looked adorable with that hair that she never changed it? Who knows? She also wore a pair of suspenders for some reason. You had no idea why, but you weren't going to question it.

As for your relationship with her, it was great. Yes, you both had your fair share of arguments, but ended up hugging it out on the couch, or any other comfortable area, in the end. Other than smaller problems, such as who ate the last piece of chocolate, nothing bad ever ruined your love with Frisk. Of course, you both had the support of the entire underground, as well as a few new friends made from school.


You were sitting on the couch, just watching T.V. with Frisk. Everyone else was out busy doing things, so you and Frisk thought a movie night would help brighten the mood. Frisk sat in your lap as you hugged her waist. Despite being the same age, 18, you were still inches taller than her. Well, just enough to see over her head to watch the T.V. screen.

Frisk:"Hey (Y/N)." She spoke.

You hummed in response.

Frisk:"Could you meet me in my bedroom?" She asked out of the blue.

You were skeptical, but didn't question it.

(Y/N):"Sure." You agreed.

As Frisk got off you and went into the kitchen, you couldn't help but notice a sway in her movements. You shook your head after. Knowing her, this could mean anything. Walking down the hall and up the stairs, you went into Frisk's room. Funny how you both were dating but still slept in separate rooms. Walking inside, you lied on the bed and waited for Frisk.

A True Pacifist (Male Reader x Female Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now