chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Annie POV


“Oh…The sun!”  Holding up my pink pursed up to my face while running like crazy on the street…

 Finally made it outside after trying to escape my Father 70th birthday without him or anyone even noticing that I’m gone. I know, I know what kind of daughter ditch their own father birthday, well obviously it’s not my fault that I’m a 30 years old top shoe fashion designer and that my team can’t handle things like I told them too… Urgghh!! It’s like taking care of little kids.

Just wait till i  get my little paws on them ooh they are so gonna get it for ruin my day now i'm gonna have to explain to my dad why i did this... oh he is going to be so pissed at me when he founds out that i'm not here

John POV

“Owe..Let go off me!!” I said while he’s pulling on my ear

“Get over here you Rascal!!”  Said my father pulling me affront of the employee in the bank

“Let me go, I said I would come on my own two feet”….. Finally letting go off me “Seriously!” I said straighten myself upright.

“Excuse me” said my dad to the lady behind the counter

“On my family register, please take him off of it” looking at him like his crazy I also took my credit card out of my pocket and place it affront of the lady

“What are you talking about? Taking me off this mister’s family register!”

“What? Mister?” said my dad

“Anyway, if we re-arrange the family register, we wouldn’t be related!”

“You little brat!” said him putting his right hand up to give me a slap on my face… “What are you doing? Hurry! I said to hurry up” James yelling out the lady

“Why are you taking your anger out on this lady?”I said

“Don’t butt into my business you bastard!” said my dad James while pulling me up in my shirt

“Hurry now!!” said both of us to the lady with anger

While out off the bank I said to him

“When did they change the rules of changing family history?! Well do they have to get your permission to change the rules?”

“What have you done right, anyway?!” raisin his hands up to hit me

“what you going to hit me again, go on hit me, hit me, I’ll report you as soon as you do!” turning each side of my face to him “here,here,here”

“I’ll let you be this time cause I’d be losing money if I did” he said

“Hah, well this is no surprised to someone who loves money” I said “What kind of dad takes their one and only son off their family history just for buying a motorcycle? It’s the free will of the people of America”

“Hey you brat, do you even realize how that money was earned? With a twisted sore back and bruised knees, it took me 3 years to earn that money, but you want me to spend it on this piece of garbage?” he said

“_ But I didn’t go to college and get tuition back.”

“Has if you had chosen to attend or not… this coming from a knucklehead”… “In any case even though the law didn’t let me take you out...I’ve already decided to throw you away”

Turning my head around to his face feeling proud that they wouldn’t let him take me out of it, I said “you must be thrilled?”

“Urghhh!!” he yells with anger while hitting my brand new motorcycle

“Fine abandon your son and go live with your beloved money!!” I said to him while his walking away from me

“Geez… seriously!” kissing my Beyonce while whipping his feet dust off of her with the front of my jacket… ok so I call my motorcycle Beyonce  it’s not you haven’t done it before..Anyway let’s get back to the story... Soo I was like “Beyonce… I only have”

Riding my bike I love the feel of the breeze in my face, smiling with joy while riding her… oh how much I love my baby more than anything.

“Omg!! Look out” I heard someone say affront of me before I even had a chance to stop…all I felt was my body falling down and my bike was right beside of me

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