Chapter 13

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Giulias POV
"Guys are you all here?" Asked Kat. We all responded yeah. It was pitch black in the basement and we couldn't see a thing. "Bart did this." I said flatly. "He knows we know about Ava." I heard shuffling. "What was that?" Asked Sabrina with alarm. She turned on her flashlight from her phone and shined it on the ground. Nothing there. "Guys I'm really freaked out right now." Kat said with a shaky voice. We suddenly saw a light a few feet away. "Hello?" I called out. I heard a scream. "Who's in here?" Asked a voice that sounded like an older woman. She turned on the light and looked at us. "What are you doing down here?" She questioned. "Bart told us there were props down here and he locked us in!" Screamed Angelina. "Okay well come on let's get you upstairs" said the lady who I assumed was a maid. We walked up the stairs and into the main event room. We were greeted by a wave of screaming girls.

Bart's POV
Shit. How did they get out. I saw all four of their dumb quirky little faces from across the room. I cursed under my breath. I was going to make them forget what they know. I was thinking if a plan when I saw a phone on a table. I made sure no one was looking and I check the background. It was a picture of Matt and his girlfriend. "Probably Matt's" I thought. I unlocked it. No password. Lucky me. I went onto contacts and looked under all the names under "g." When I didn't find Giulia, I looked under "p," and found her number under matts nickname for her, Princess. I looked around again and started to send her a message. "Hey baby. Meet me at the dock outside the hotel after the event. Love you." I read it over and clicked send. I looked across the room at giulia, who checked her phone and smiled.

Giulias POV
I heard a buzz from my pocket and checked my phone. It was a text from Matthew. It read, "Hey baby. Meet me at the dock outside the hotel after the event. Love you." I smiled and put my phone back into my pocket.

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