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I stare out the truck window, watching the world as I pass by. The sun slowly rising above the ground, the sky was a beautiful mixture of red and orange. I look at the beautiful green scenery around me; the Beautiful green pastures, farm animals grazing the fields, the birds soaring high in the sky. I drive to my favorite spot parking my truck in the gravely dirt road. I step out putting down the tailgate then I sit down watching the sun break above the ground. My last day of freedom, Most people who are leaving for the military get going away parties. I'm not so fortunate, I don't have any friends to celebrate with. I don't mind though, just being here relaxing is enough for me. I pull out my vape and smoke while I watch the sun come up. Nothing can be better than this,
I feel the cool breeze blow my hair back, my cowboy boots on as my feet hanging off the tailgate. Just the feeling of peace is enough for me.

The sun was soon in the sky giving light off to the land below. I'll never forget this moment. Gonna get out of this town and make something of myself. Meet new friends, make new memories, make a new name for me. I listen to the sound of the crickets making a sweet melody in the grass. I get off the tailgate and shut it, getting back in my truck.


I get to MEPS the, Military Entrance Processing station. I walk into the hotel and check-in. I received my room and three free meal tickets. I go to my room setting my things down on the carpeted floor. I see I was the first one in my room. There was another bed in the corner. I look out the window to see a beautiful thriving city. Not a normal view for me, my town is very small. Everyone knows everybody and their mama. It is crazy seeing so many people and buildings reach up to the heavens. Honking cars and loud noises fill my ears, I don't get how people live like this. I go back to my bag and take out my phone. I go down the elevator and into the military hangout room filled with all the people shipping out tomorrow. I go into the common room to see everyone playing a video game on the tv. I sat in the back watching them trying not to draw attention to myself. They all looked back at me than at their game then A guy came in taking a seat next to me. "So what branch are you going in?" He asks me. "Navy." I answer as I look at him. He had dusty brown hair that was just above his brow, almond-colored eyes, peach-colored skin, a goofy smile, a decent build for a man. "Nice, I'm going in the Marines." he tells me. "That's awesome." I smile politely. "So where are you from?" he asks carrying on the conversation. "Tennessee." I answer. "I can tell you're from the south by your accent." he smiles. "Oh yeah?" I smile back. "Yes." Just then a guy on the couch, playing video games, turns around with the remote in his hand. "Anyone else wanna play?" He asks as he looks over at me. "You wanna play?" 

"Sure." I shrug then go overtaking his place on the couch with all the other players. They teach me all the controls on the game explaining what each button does. We play for a while until Boredom creeps in. I make my way outside, going over to the "L" shaped couch, sitting down. I pull out a cigarette and cover it with my hand in hopes to light it. I finally light it inhaling all the smoke that burned my throat.
I watch as the other guys come over and join me. They all sit down and ask for a cigarette. I give them all one and pass around my lighter. "So guess we should all introduce ourselves." Some skinny guy with Red hair and freckles says. "We aren't in middle school." A tall built guy with dusty brown hair says he reminds me of John Wayne. "I feel more like it's an AA meeting." One guy jokes. "Well, I'm Tony, going to the Army." The redhead says. "I'm Juan, Army." The Hispanic guy says as he smokes his Cuban cigar. He was kinda cute with his deep brown eyes, black hair as dark as the midnight sky, his face was toned with a strong jawline, his build was short.
He then turned his head to the guy next to him. "Hi, I'm Daniel, I'm going in the Marines." He has big bushy eyebrows, a square jaw, wild brown eyes, he had almost caveman features. "I'm Michael, I'm joining the Army." the blonde-haired blue-eyed beauty says. He looks like he just stepped out of a movie, that blonde hair that is gelled in a swirly way on his head, that tan sun-kissed skin, those perfectly shaped lips, strong toned jawline, he's like a blonde James Dean. He flashed a small smirk, that would steal any girl's heart. "I'm Jose, Marines." a dark-skinned man says as he smokes a  cigarette he bummed off of me. All the boys laughed when they heard his name. "What's so funny?" he asks as he looks that them with strait narrow eyes. "How did a tough black guy end up with the most Mexican name?"  the redhead laughs. "Well, if you must know, my mom is Hispanic." he informs us not looking away from his lite smoke. "Okay, fair enough." Daniel says with a smirk. "What about you sister?" Tony asks me. "I'm Annie, I'm joining the Navy." I smile. "The Navy, wow, that's pretty neat." Tony smiles. "Can I have another smoke?"  Jose asks. "Sure." I hand him the box. "I don't think she's gonna make boot camp." Daniel whispers to his friend. "Why do you say that?" I ask him. He looked shocked that I heard him. "Well to be honest, I don't think a pretty girl as yourself is tough enough for the challenge."  "Sweetheart, don't let my looks fool you. I'm a lot stronger than you think." I smile cockily. "Oh yeah, prove it, name one thing that makes you so tough."  "I was a firefighter, I've dragged two hundred pound men out of burning buildings, I've hauled a charged hose up several flights of stairs, you think firefighting is easy? I was the only girl at my station, I've outworked most of my brothers." I tell him. "OHHHH, she's got you there. How could you be so stupid? Do you even see what she is wearing? That's a fire service jacket." Tony tells him.  "Alright." he nods his head.  "You know I've forgotten all of your names already." Jose says.  "We should have nicknames for everyone." Tony says.  "Okay, anyone got anything?" he asks looking around at our group. "yeah." I mumble. "Do share.''  "You're Red." I smile. "HA! I was thinking the same thing." Daniel laughs extremely loud. "Any more?" the movie star asks. "I was thinking about Hollywood for you." I smirk. "Ha, my reputation proceeds me." he smirks a heartwarming smile. "What about me?" Daniel asks with a thick country accent. "Where are you from?" a Hollywood asks.  "Georgia." he answers.  "There you go." he nods. "I'm interested in what y'all have for me."  "Jose." Red answers. I could tell no one wanted to get on his bad side. Who could blame them, I wouldn't want to get on his bad side either. "Smoke." I say. He looks at me and so do all the others. Jose smiles and points his finger at me shaking it. "I like that." Everyone then calmed down smiling. "What about her?" Red asks. "Pretty girl." Hollywood smiles. "Yeah." Everyone agrees. "I was thinking Flames or fire girl." Smoke says. "Fire girl." They agree. "I never got a name." Juan says. "Where are you from?" I ask him. "Texas." He answers with a big Texas grin. "Tex." I smile. Everyone loved the name. We stay up chitchatting just joking around, We soon ran out of smokes so we sent Red to get some. "Okay guys, bad news." He comes back over to us. "You're boyfriend broke up with you?" Tex jokes. "Haha very funny, no dumbass. The shop is closed. We have to go to the gas station and get new ones." He makes an exaggerated face. "Field trip." Georgia smiles standing up. "Alright, here's the plan. Team One will be me, Fire girl, and Tex. Team two will be Red, Hollywood, smoke." "Wait, how come we get Red?" Hollywood asks. "Because, Okay, team one will scope it out while team two makes it to the door. No one gets caught by the front." He tells us the strategy. "Alright, let's do this." We then get into our teams. Team one then goes into the lobby hiding behind the walls like they do in the movies. Everyone was looking in a certain direction. "Clear." I say behind me to team two. They come walking out hiding along the walls. The desk clerk comes back behind his desk. "Hide." Tex says. Red hides behind a plant while the others made it out the door. He slowly inches out when the desk clerk wasn't looking. "They are all out. Now fire girl you go out first, stay low don't get caught or the whole mission will be blown." Georgia tells me. "Got it." I Then crawl on the floor behind the desk and make it to the plant. I slide out the door when they weren't looking. "Hey! Firegirl made it out!" Red smiles and gives me a high five. The rest of the guys made it out as well. We all laugh as we walk down the street to the gas station. Somehow someone started a game of who could make it there first. We all started running to the store even across the street. I came in last while they all were in front of me. We finally get in and I go straight to the snacks. I pick out some Skittles and a root beer before going to the counter. The guys all got two packs of cigs waiting for me to pay. "I'd like Marlboro reds please." I also tell him. "ID." He asks me. I show it to him than pay for all my things. We get out heading over to the hotel once more. After sneaking back in we go outside to the patio area smoking and joking. "Hey, what's everyone's Snapchat? I don't want to forget you fuckers." Red asks us. We all exchanged Snapchat names then continue to joke. People start heading to bed so I do the same.

I hear this most annoying ring from the telephone go off. "Hello?" I answer groggily. "Hello, this is your morning wake up call. Please get dressed and come down to the lobby for breakfast. Breakfast starts at six, busses will be loaded at seven. Do not be late." A voice recording tells me. I get up shuffling my way to the bathroom. It's too early for this, five o'clock in the morning and I have to be woken up to get ready. I get up and make my way over to the bathroom. I start my morning routine trying to look nice for the day since it will be my last day as a civilian. I finish my hair and makeup standing in the mirror looking at my reflection. My world is about to change drastically, but I was born for this, nothing can stop me now. I pack everything In My duffle bag and make the bed, leaving the room in the condition I found it. I go to the hall pressing the button for the elevator waiting for the doors to open. They finally open revealing Hollywood. "Good morning." I say as I step inside. The doors closed as we wait to move to the lobby. "I have to say I have the biggest crush on you." He tells me. "Really?" I ask shocked. "Yes, from the moment you walked into the room I was captured by your aesthetic beauty. Aphrodite must be very jealous of your beauty." He flatters me. I couldn't help but giggle, man, he's trying so hard. I guess I get where he is coming from. He's trying to get me because he's going to be without girls for so long and I'm his only option, typical. "Can I kiss you?" He stands closer to me. "No." I answer him crossing my arms giving him a smirk at his weak attempts. "Fine, I didn't want to kiss you anyway. I know girls way prettier than you." He tries to hurt my feelings. I laugh at him and his big-headed attitude, I hate guys like this. We stop at the third floor and Georgia walks in looking at my pissed off expression. He immediately gets the hint and stands between me and Hollywood. "I got you don't worry." He leans down whispering in my ear. "Don't bother, she's not interested in anyone and she's not worth getting with pretty sure she's gay." Hollywood says. Georgia then grabs my hand letting me know not to start anything with him. The doors open and Hollywood walks out first. "Just stick with me." He tells me. I walk to the restaurant showing them my meal ticket. We grab a plate and go over to the buffet they had set up for us. Liquid eggs, toast, bacon, cereal, oatmeal, oranges, mixed fruit, and ham. I grab the stuff I like then sit down with Georgia. We eat all of the food we grabbed then wait in the lobby for the bus. As soon as I get on that bus my life is gonna change. I hope the road ahead will lead me in the right direction in life. Hopefully, a happier life where things are smooth sailing from here on out. Soon it was time for us to load up, I give them my ticket then make my way to the bus. This is it, off to Bootcamp. I take a deep breath then take my seat.

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