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"WAKE UP!!! GET UP AND GET ON THE TOELINE!" All the compartment lights were flipped on while the RDCs were screaming at us. I jumped out of bed, putting my go-fasters on, racing to the toeline. We all finally line up, standing at attention, waiting for the next orders. "You have fifteen minutes to get cleaned up. If you are late to the toeline, then you'll have me to deal with." He tells us as his voice echoes through the compartment. The place we are in is a small compartment with metal bunk beds lining the room's borders. The middle of the room was empty except for the table the RDC sits at. "GO!" he yells at us. I watched as all the other females run to the head, aka bathroom, trying to get ready for the day ahead. While they were all in the head, I decided to make my rack while the head was full. I finish making my rack as they have taught me in p-days before heading into the restroom. I do my daily routine by brushing my teeth then putting my hair in a bun before putting those loose strains into place with gell. I finish up then I go back to the toeline with the rest of my division. All the females stood at attention, waiting for the next set of orders. I could see half of them were scared out of their minds. I don't get why everyone is so afraid. Have they never been yelled at before?

"Field day until it's time to eat." Chief tells us as he had his hands behind his back. We walk over to the supply cupboard, grabbing dusters and Clorox wipes, getting ready to "clean." I grab some Windex along with some brownies, paper towels so that I can clean the windows. I walk around the compartment cleaning all the windows as I keep to myself.

We finally finish cleaning and line up in a height line to go to breakfast. I walk down the p-way Without saying a word because I knew I'd get in trouble if I were caught talking. I grab a tray getting some crappy food that was rumored to make your poop back up. I sit down, watching everyone talk as they look around for petty officers. "QUIT TALKING!" I heard yelling across the room. I knew that voice anywhere. It was that first class who hates my guts; I'm just glad he isn't over here yelling at me. Petty officer Gonzales had it out for me ever since my first night here. I wonder where he went; he's too quiet. I turn to see him right behind me, oh shit. "Ohh, look who it is! I still see you haven't learned. Just wait." He walks away. Everyone looked at me, shocked. "Oh, you are so busted." Smith mumbles as she eats her toast.

"I swear he has it out for me." I roll my eyes, then keep my head down. Soon it was time for us to go back to our compartment and start whatever they have lined up for us today. We throw away the leftover food on our trays and get into a line to go back. We walk silently through the halls and up two flights of stairs to get to our compartment. The only sound you could hear was squeaky tennis shoes running through the halls. Once walking through the door to our room, I felt my heart drop as I saw who was waiting for me. Petty officer Gonzales stood there with his arms crossed as he stared me down. "I'm about to make an example out of you." He smiles at me before going to the middle of the compartment. "You pissed off the wrong person, recruit. He is the last person you want to mess with; he will tear you a new one." My RDC laughs as he sips his coffee.

"Ohhh, fire girl." I heard petty officer Gonzales say in a sing-song voice. I hold my head up high, not letting him get to me. "FONT AND CENTER!" His voice boomed, echoing through the hall. I walk over to him, standing at attention, keeping a one hundred yard stare. "EVERYONE ONE THE TOE LINE NOW! IF ANYONE IS NOT ON THE TOELINE, YOU WILL BE JOINING HER! ONE...TWO...THREE!" I heard a bunch of feet run to the toeline without a single word. "YOU SEE YOUR FELLOW RECRUIT THINKS SHE CAN LOOK WHERE EVER THE HELL SHE WANTS! SHE THINKS THE RULES DON'T APPLY TO HER! AFTER ALREADY TELLING HER SEVERAL TIMES SHE COULDN'T SHE CONTINUED TO IGNORE THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION! NOW SHE WILL BE AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL OF YOU, AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO BE LIKE!"
Gonzales yells as he paces the compartment looking at all the recruits on the toeline. He pulls out an orange card from his pocket, holding it up in the air. I knew what it was, a workout punishment card, we had that ran on us before. "ON YOUR SIXPACK!" He yells at me. I quickly lay on my stomach, waiting for the next instruction. "UP, DOWN!" He yelled at me. I do my push up and wait for him to tell me what was next. "Up down, up down." I do about fifteen push-ups before he goes on the next exercise. "On your two-pack!" I roll over to my butt to do scissor kicks feeling the soreness slowly creep in. "TEN COUNTS, LET'S GO!" He screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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