Chapter Eight

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A month had passed since me and Yoongi had established our friends with benefits and everything went smoothly. The sex was amazing, and we did tried a lot of things in the time being. However, what I started to enjoy even more than sex was the conversations we shared.

Every night, while we were cuddling, we talked about a variety of things and there were days that I longed for those times. I have never felt this before. Not only was Yoongi amazing in bed, he also had a personality that pulled me to him. I would be dancing, and my mind would leave me and wonder about Yoongi.

The more I thought about these feelings, the more scared I would get. Furthermore, my two friends were also in their world, each one of them with their own problems and I felt like my problems would be a burden to them.

On one hand, Taehyung was working with my cousin and I knew that one of them was developing some kind of feelings for the other. Every time I would be with Jungkook, his beautiful bunny smile would pop out if Taehyung was mentioned, even the glint in his eyes was hard to miss. I didn't mention to Taehyung, because even him was acting strangely from his usual behaviour. His playful personality would vanish when Jungkook was in the room and even I caught him checking pictures of my cousin that he had on his phone.

This made me think that Taehyung was probably as confuse as I was and even more frightened than me because my best friend didn't believe in love. For him, love was an intangible concept and that only lead to heartbreak and regret. I had been thinking on approach to talk about his feelings, but I was scared he would close off his heart even more and push my cousin away.

On the other hand, Jin was head over heels with Namjoon. They had a few dates over the month, but they called it "friendly meet ups". I was extremely glad that Jin was happy and I have even commented this with Yoongi, who told me that he has never seen Namjoon like this. Jin had told me that Namjoon was very patient with him and that they would talk for hours never running out of topics. Cloud nine was Jin new address.

Today, my cousin invited me for lunch to catch up since it had been a week since the last time we had seen each other. We decided to meet in a restaurant near the company.

Jungkook was already there when I arrived. He was looking at his phone, browsing his social media.

"Hey, Kookie!" I greeted him, sitting in front of him.

"Hey, Jimin hyung! How are you?"

"Great, I just received an amazing news and you?" I answered, not being able to hold back my smile.

"I am good. But by the look of your smile, you seem thrilled, must have been good news indeed." Jungkook teased me, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Maybe a quickie with Yoongi in his studio?"

I hit his arm, blushing madly at his comment. "Shush, you are still a kid. But, no. Bang Pd-nim told me I am going to work alongside Yoongi for this group debut song."

"That's very good, but just because you are working with Yoongi, you are this happy? You look like a kid in Christmas?" My cousin asked, confused, as our orders come.

"Well, Yoongi is a big name in the company. It's always a big deal to work with him. But, I am more excited that I get to be around him a little longer." I confessed.

"Hyung, I know you have a deal with Yoongi. However, don't you think that maybe you are starting to develop feelings for him?" Jungkook asked, shyly, knowing he was entering a dangerous zone.

"I don't want to think about that. Can we talk about another thing? How is your modelling job?" I divert the attention from me to him and when I saw him blush, I know something must have happened. "Kookie, what happened?"

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