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Jin p.o.v

I had made my way to the front desk that was far as we had gotten lost in this huge school. I smiled thinking about how we could finally make a life that was a good life away from our parents. I had finally found the main office with an elderly looking lady at the desk typing up something. I made my way in front of the desk clearing my throat getting her attention. She gave me a soft smile I smiled back. "What can I do for you honey?" "I'm new with my little brother and I came to get our stuff like our locker number and schedule." I smiled "Ah yes the new students it's nice to meet you may I have your names please?" She asked and I softly nodded, "I'm Kim Seokjin my little brother is Kim Taehyung. T-a-e-h-y-u-n-g." I said she smiled and the printer started up "You two are going to love it here I promise you that." She smiled at me and I nodded. I sure hope we like it he needs a better life and I'll give him a better life! I made a self speech in my hand fisting the air.

She chuckled and handed me two pieces of paper I smiled and thanked her as I made my way down the hallway to see my little brother. I turned and I heard a soft thud in the hallway that lead to the entry area I turned my head to see five scary tall looking men around a smaller boy. I squinted my eyes and saw that, that smaller boy WAS MY TAEBEAR. My mother instincts kicked in and I dashed at the male that had him pinned. I swung my hand effectively smacking him in the face with a loud smacking. He let go of my Taebear pulling him into a hug as he softly sobbed into my shirt. The male stumbled a bit before turning to me his friends were shocked and I internally smirked.

He growled, his fists clenched and his eyes shown angry but I won't let him touch my taebear not again. I narrowed my eyes challenging him. "Don't you dare ever touch my Taebear again of I'll have you head." I hissed at him, he seemed taken back. My attention turned to my Taebear. "Hey baby its ok I have you nothing is wrong I'm here they can't hurt you." I said trying to calm him down. "Don't make promises you can't keep." Another male with mint green hair stepped forward. I snapped my head looking at him Taehyung's soft sobs grew louder. This wasn't how our day was suppose to start.

Third p.o.v

Jin was crouched down still holding his Taebear as the male glared the mint one stepping closer. Jin couldn't fight any of these males as they had muscle and sadly he didn't. He got up from the ground lifting Taehyung up which Taehyung instantly wrapped his legs around the olders waist. Jin dashed for the bathroom running away from the five males that watched them run.

"Cowards." The mint haired male mumbled. "Bwhahahaha he ran so fast." this time the orange haired male spoke, "He was so much taller than Yoongi too at that!" The orange haired male threw his head back holding his stomach laughing. Yoongi then cursed under his breath, "Shut it Jimin." The orange haired male's laughter died down and he wiped nonexistent tears away. The male known as Yoongi turned to the raven haired male that wore a dead face showing no emotion. "So Jungkook what now do we follow them?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook shook his head, Yoongi turned to Jimin "He ran away because he can't fight due to not only was he holding a boy in his arms but there was 4 others near." Yoongi stated. "Yes I know but like we were going to do anything to help." Jimin said back. "Thanks for having my back." Yoongi said sarcastically. "Your welcome, besides you could take him on though looking at Namjoon he would've stopped it along with Hobi looks like we got lover boys." Jimin chuckled.

Heads turned to see the two males Namjoon and Hobi as the wore shocked faces. "It's just I couldn't believe that well those two were guys they were beautiful." Namjoon blurted out earning a nodded of agreement. Jungkook stared at them with darkened eyes before turning his head to where the two males had run off too. "Lets go." Jungkook said. Everyone looked at him confused before nodding and following Jungkook to class.

~With Jin and Taehyung~

"It's ok Taebear I have you we're safe please stop crying its ok." The sniffling stopped as Taehyung looked at his older brother with red puffy eyes. Jins heart broke at the sight but smiled making soft circles on his back, "We need to get to class ok, we have seperate classes but we share gym and music class and we have study hall ok?" Jin didn't want to let his brother go alone but he had too as much as it broke his heart.

Taehyung held tighter on but nodded standing up rubbing his eyes. He had History with Mr.Gray and the first class was 2 hours long with the second being an hour than at 11 they would have lunch. Jin grabbed his hand giving a soft squeeze as they walked to room 405 he stopped in front of the history class and turned to Taehyung he remembered Taehyung's first day of Kindergarten.

~Flash back~

"Come on TaeTae it's ok I have you." The younger Jin smiled. "I-I'm scared Jinnie I don't wanna go I don't wanna leave you!" Taehyung dashed crashing into his older brother giving hima bear hug but felt like a mouse hug to the older. Jin smiled but looked up meeting the scowl of their mother. Jin looked back down, "Taehyung please school is starting I have to go but I'll be back promise, we can get ice cream later if you're good!" Jin exclaimed. Taehyung's face lit up, "Even strawberry!" Taehyung could't contain his excitment as he was bouncing up and down. Jin waved him goodbye as he made is way to the classroom. Tears stung the youngers eyes as he watched his little brother step into class. He turned to face his mother that held the same scowl.

"Why are you crying boy?" She hissed at the younger, he wasn't taken back at this for she always talked down to him. "I'm just happy he's going to school and sad i'm proud." he mumbled. He felt a harsh sting on his face as his mother had slapped him. "Boys don't cry man up and get to class worthless." She walkng away from her son. Jin just stood there head low tears falling, he sniffed wiping away. He looked up holding his head high for his brother.

~Flash back end~

"Hyungie...Hyungie." Taehyung waved his hand infront of Jin's face trying to get him to snap out. Jin finally snapped out and shook his head as he smiled which was returned by his younger brother. 'That smile hasn't changed." Jin smiled bigger and ushered Taehyung to the door. Taehyung gulped thick spit down, "Hey Taehyung if you can do this alone we'll get Ice cream after school~." Jin sung Taehyung turned around scaring Jin of how fast his head turned thinking he snapped his neck. "Even Strawberry!?" Taehyung was bouncing up and down. Jin chuckled "Yes even strawberry.'' Jin felt an exact amount of weight he was token back but quickly hugged back. Taehyung reached for the door opening it. He was met with many eyes.


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