Hell's Dark zone

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Index: thoughts ACTION "speech"

The Human body and mind never really comprehend pure and undiluted terror,unimaginable pain and torment...until everything we knew... everyone we loved, that kept us sane,safe...IS STRIPPED AWAY. Then...when the body and mind are forced to recognize that the end may be close..it gives you a cold sort of peace...clears the mind. it's a good time to take inventory of things we had and lost. 

When I agreed to be tested on...I had no choice. My body was failing little by little,cell by cell from inoperable cancer, and I was wounded in war....like a Valkyrie,come to collect souls when their time is up...What seemed to be my salvation at that point in time...came in the form of a Physician telling me there was one option left to me. An experimental Medical Project known only as Project Phoenix.

At the time, I signed the papers, knowing if this worked I had another shot...for EVERYTHING. To live out my life, to love and be merry again..I saw what a man lost at sea looks at, when he looks at an plank of driftwood...I saw Hope. Looking back now..Signing that form was a death warrant in disguise, because after taking me to the facility where I was meant to be saved...I had no idea what was coming. 

I have lost most of my body,my humanity...to bio-mechanical surgery. No longer fully Human nor complete machine...made functionally immortal,immune to disease and viral pathogens...and then left to rot...down in the deep cold dark of an abandoned laboratory...The other patients broke out of containment long ago..and now roam the long, dark halls...I have been sealed into my medical Casket all these years...and I pray no-one ever finds this accursed place. 

Biological terrors were made here...and left to inhabit the dark..I have no idea what the surface world is like now...but if what is down here with me makes it out and Into broad daylight...Hell on earth will ensue...if someone finds this place...and me...I will have one thing to say..and pray that they heed my warning; "Go. Leave this God forsaken place...you should never have come here..they left this place to fall to ruin for a reason."

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