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Not a big chapter, but it's the start to many more (;

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Also, I'll start with the character ask questions and ideas after this chapter (: be on the look out.

Harry woke up early one morning with his forehead feeling like it weighed a hundred pounds and his body aching all over. He didn't even have to check the time to know it was still early in the morning, if going by the dark sky through his window.

He rolled over on to his side and stuffed his head into the pillow Louis used to lay on. It was starting to smell more like himself instead of his husband, and Harry only hoped Louis would find some time to come home to make the house smell like him again.

Just as Harry rested comfortably on his side, it's like a huge wave of nausea hit him harshly. He started seeing white and black spots before he suddenly shot up from the bed. He ran straight to the toilet and ended up emptying his stomach from the food he ate last night.

His chest felt tight and a shooting pain throughout his stomach. He continued to empty his stomach until he was left hovering over the toilet gagging for more to come out. When nothing else did, Harry flushed the toilet and slumped against the wall.

He let out a groan and took a minute to regroup himself before he was standing up and walking over towards the sink. He brushed his teeth quickly and padded back over to the bed. He checked his phone to see that it was still five in the morning, but he had a message from Louis letting him know he landed in New York.

That was his first stop on the American leg of his tour.

Harry smiled as he quickly dialed Louis' number. He waited for a moment before Louis finally answered with a happy greeting, causing Harry to start tearing up right away.

"Louis," Harry mumbled, chewing on the pad of his pointer finger, "I miss you so much."

"You sound like you're crying, baby. What's wrong?" Louis then asked sincerely, always sounding so worried and concerned for his husband.

Harry started laughing as he continued wiping the tears from his eyes. He bit on his bottom lip and laid back on the mattress, "I just miss you so much it makes me emotional."

"How can you be so fucking adorable even through the phone?" Louis asked exasperated, sounding so troubled, "I can't wait to see you, love. You'll fly out to Tennessee next weekend right?"

Harry was so excited to find out that he had a free weekend to go see Louis. He would be taking his test during that week, so he wouldn't be learning any new material until the week after. Which gives him the free weekend to be with Louis.

He's so excited.

Except, he really hopes this sickness that he's been feeling washes away. For some reason, he's felt dizzy and light headed the past week. Not only that, he continuously throws up in the morning until he's a crying mess on the floor of his bathroom.

His stomach always feel uneasy, and certain smells right now make him throw up on the spot. He thinks its the flu he had back in March coming back to haunt him. His forehead is slightly warm and clammy, but no evident fever. He's just felt poorly lately, and he doesn't want to ruin what could possibly be such a fun weekend by him being sick.

"Yes. I'm so excited to come see you again. I've never been to Tennessee," Harry cheered happily, "Maybe we can visit all the Elvis Presley stuff if you have time."

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