The dancer

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Ok so this story I made a while ago while I was at a dance recital/practice and one of the girls that I know personally was working really hard to impress her father but he wasn't having it so I made a story about it. Just letting you know the end really didn't happen and she never passed out or anything she perfectly heathy and everything so...

There she is, dancing swiftly as if her life depended on it, knowing her father it does. Her chest rising and falling faster than normal. She wouldn't be like that, she's doing ballet, she shouldn't be like that. She eyes start to flutter quickly. I look down from where I am to where her father and mother are sitting. Her father, a man that will do anything to look good, not even looking at her not caring. She looks at the audience scanning over it to see her father not even looking at her, she tried harder to get his attention. She starts leaping and spinning wowing everyone in the crowd but him. All of a sudden in slow motion she falls to the floor. I screamed out her name, alerting everyone who hasn't noticed yet. I shot out of my chair and start running towards the stage, bumping into dozens of people. While running down the aisle I see her father. He wasn't even sparing her any of his sympathy, looking straight ahead as if nothing happened. Her mother sat there with a shocked face but she didn't do anything. I continue running towards her then everything goes white

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