━━ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐓𝐔𝐁 - 𝐏𝟏 ━━

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Warnings: Dangerously unedited. Cursing. An It (2017) reference and a series of unfortunate events reference :p✌🏻


My leg bounced intensely on the ball of my foot as I sat at the DnD table, hunched forward. My fingers were intertwined together to keep from fidgeting and my stomach felt uneasy.

A lot just happened and I haven't quite processed it yet. I remember running into Troy in the woods and being chased all the to the quarry. I remember a sharp blow to the head and everything is fuzzy from there. I remember barely being able to stay conscious before blacking out and the next thing I remember is seeing Mike jump, only to be saved by El of course.

"Here, let me help."

Dustin's voice tears me from my thoughts. I look up and see him walking over to me with a wewashcloth. I perk up in realization and pull my hair aside and out of the way.

I hiss in pain when I feel the cold washcloth touch my open wound at the back of my head.

I feel his hesitation. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay. Thanks for helping." I say quietly, taking hold of the washcloth and applying pressure. Dustin let's go and sits across from me at the table.

"No problem. Are you sure you are feeling okay? How's your vision? Any light-headedness?" I can hear the worry in his voice escalate with every question he asks.

Sighing, I let my hand that holds the washcloth rest on table, I give my brother a small smile.

"Dustin, I'm okay."

Dustin sighed, and the room filled with silence. The only sounds were coming from the sink in the bathroom. Mike was helping El clean up.

Dustin soon broke the silence.

"I, I was really scared for you. I mean, how the hell are you even functioning this well? That rock should have done some serious damage."

I give him a slight frown, even though I know what he is getting at.

"You know what I mean,"

It's silent again, but we both begin to chuckle softly. Enjoying this fleeting moment of peace, not knowing the next time we will be able to laugh like this.

I frown at the thought. I take a deep breath, contemplating whether or not to voice my paranoid thoughts that have been festering in the very farthest corners of my mind.

"Dustin, I think," I shift in my seat a little. "I thi-"

Defeaning static erupts from the comms as it bursts to life, causing Dustin and I to jump.

A panicked voice begin shouting incoherent words.


My head whips around to the device and then Dustin and I look to each other in understanding.

Dustin runs to the bathroom door, alerting Mike and El while I grab the comn and begin fiddling with it, desperately trying to fix the static.

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 || Temporary!Will Byers x Fem!Reader [✓]Where stories live. Discover now