I met my sister

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Shepard

I sit at my desk looking at the blank screen. Its 8:30pm and I have a book report due tomorrow. What am I gonna do? I cant just sit here.I need to get something done. God, I am so bored and I cant think of a thing to write. So I close microsoft word and go on facebook. I have a new message. I click on the little message icon thing and I see a message from a girl named Emma. Wow she looked just like me.
Emma Porter: Hi Macy!

Macy James: Uh hi Emma. Could you do something for me?

Emma Porter: Yeah but let me tell you something first!

Macy James: Uh okay...

Oh my god this is weird.
Emma Porter: Your my twin!

What?! I have a twin? What the heck?
Macy James: OMG what? How come my parents never told me? I know I'm adopted and everything but still why wouldnt they have told me? OMG OMG OMG.
Emma Porter: Yes I know I was in shock too when I found you.

When she found me? What in names world is she talking about?

Macy James: Uh you found me?

Emma Porter: Yeah I found you. I wasnt looking for our real parents and found you. At first I really I was a little sad because I didnt even know about you but now Im really excited to meet you!

Woah woah woah meet me? Was she crazy? I dont even know what she looks like. Wait just kidding yes I do.

Macy James: Yeah.. where exactly do you live?

Emma Porter: California.

OMG. So she lives in california and Im in Nevada. Not to far right?

Macy James: Los Angeles?

Emma Porter: Bingo! Thats the one.

Macy James: Great I live in Las Vegas.

Emma Porter: Dude! Thats great. Heres my number and skype. Skype and text me as soon as you can.  Emmafab 323-445-9873

Macy James: Okay I will. So I ttyl

Emma Porter: Dont forget! Bye!

Oh my gosh. What just happened. I get up to get my phone and I dial Emmas number. I reveiw what Im about to say carefully and I have no idea why. I creat a contact named Emma with the monkey with his hands over his mouth emoji.


Hey its your twin sister.

To my response she typed back fairly quickly.

                                                                         Hey! So like where do you live whats the haps?

Did she really just say whats the haps?

Well Im in Nevada. Duh thats were Los Vegas is.. lol

                                                                            Yeah haha. But like whats it like? What are                                                                                       your  parents names? Things like that.

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