The Boy that wears the FroYo Apron

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"Here we are!" Johanna exclaims as we pull up to this huge brick home. She puts the car in 'Park' and unlocks the doors. I hop out quickly, grabbing my duffel bag out of the backseat and I semi slam the door shut. I sigh as I take a good look at the beautiful home.This house is so much nicer than any other homes that I've lived in. The freshly cut grass is kissed with dew from the rain shower that just passed and the yellow tulips are standing tall making the front yard look like something out of a Homestyle magazine.

"You coming?" I hear Johanna say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, yeah" I respond back taking one last glance at the yard.

Johanna fumbles with the keys a little and I giggle at her frustration until she finally opens up the door.

"We were going to have a party for you but my husband, Max, had an important meeting today at his job" she explains while putting down the keys on a nearby shelf. I take off my sneakers and jacket before asking,

"What about your daughter and sons?"

"The twins are at my mothers house and Aubree should be up in her room, I will call her down"


"Aubree! Bree!" Johanna shouts until you here footsteps hitting the wooden steps multiple times. I cringe. I hate the sound of people coming down loud steps. It is just so annoying.

"Aubree, this is Riley" Johanna introduces us to eachother.

"Hey" she says quietly while sticking out her hand.

Aubree is a African American girl, that stands about 5'4 with light brown eyes and Carmel skin. She's so pretty.

I shake her hand and say hi back.

"I'm sorry about how terrible I look" she laughs lightheartedly as she looks down at her mid thigh shorts and wrinkled white half shirt.

I laugh with her.

"You look fine, I'm the one who needs to be apologizing, I look absoulutely horrible!" I exclaim touching my messy bun and trying to smooth out my wrinkled spiderman shirt.

She laughs again as she attempts to fix her hair also.

Its then that I notice that Johanna is no longer next to me.

"So do you want to bring your stuff up to our room?" she ask.

"Oh we are sharing a room?" I say trying to keep my voice at a normal level.

"Yeah, is that a problem? Do you want me to ask mom for you to use the guest room or..."

I can't get attached. I can't get attached.They'll send you away. I can't get attached.

"No I'm fine, I just didn't know thats all" I say putting on a fake smile as I pick up my duffel from beside me.

"Great!" she says clapping her hands together, "Lets go!"

She quickly gets up the stairs which leads me to belive shes athletic because let me telk you, going up those stairs is a workout.

She opens the door to a room that is just left of the top of the stairs, that says '#INSTAFAMOUS' written on a piece of baby blue paper in big black letters. I laugh under my breath. The room is hipsterish but girly. She has the white christmas lights hanging from one corner of the ceiling to the other,and a board where she put multiple pictures up, of her and her friends and family, I'm  guessing and a couple of concert tickets.

"So what do you think?" she says plopping down on her bed.

"You have like the dream room!" I say smiling. Its true. This room is like what all girls secretly want no matter how much they might deny it.

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