My fun free period

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"We are good here" Javier huffs out as we slide into an empty classroom.

I breath heavily before thinking back to what we did and laughing.

"Why the in the world would you convince me to do that,jerk?" I say lightly punching Javiers shoulder.

"Hey, all the ladies want a piece of I didn't really convince you,my smokin body,and good looks did" he winks at me and feels on his body.

Finally catching my breath,I say,"Don't get so cocky now"

He laughs.

"You didn't deny that I'm a hottie though"

Well if I did, I would obviously be lying

"Ok,you are not hot,at all" I say looking dead at him.My stomach turns.It does that everytime I'm lying.

He looks slightly hurt,and I feel kind of bad until a evil smile creeps on his sexy tanned face.

Before I realize it,I'm lifted up off of my feet and thrown over his shoulder.

I shriek.

"Put me down you,you,stupidhead!" I yell.I feel the vibration from his laughter.

"Stupidhead,really?" he says.

Ok.That was a pretty bad one.

I pound on his back but my tiny fist seems to be doing absoulutely nothing.

"Please Javier, I'm afraid of heights" I beg. He laughs even harder.

"Afraid of heights? What do you mean?"

"Well,I'm like five four and your like, six foot something" I explain,feeling queasy from being upside down for so long.

"Ok,ok,drama queen" he says as he gently puts me down.

I ignore what he says and take in the view infront of me. It looks like we are in a greenhouse.It seems like it was kept pretty neat but the odd thing is it has no plants or anything in it.

"Where are we?" I ask worriedly.What if he's a rapist and I'm his next victim?

"Don't worry,I'm not a rapist or anything-" he begins before I cut him off.

"Well if you were one,you would come out and say it but go on" I say,a little part of me still fearing for my life.

"Trust me...."he says giving a smile so genuine it made my heart melt,"I like to come here to think,and sometimes me and the gang come here to chill out,have a couple of beers or something"

"But what if someone catches you? I mean this looks like a old greenhouse or something" I say looking around.

"It wasn't a greenhouse,although the school did keep plants and stuff in here, I forgot what this used to be,and it hasn't been used or anything for years"


I walk around the place and take a seat on the orange couch that has too many stains to count.

"We have to leave soon,unless you don't mind missing class,the teachers won't let you in unless you have a pass from a teacher"

"Well as fun as it sounds to run away from some angry security guards and then sneak out to the back of the school to hang out in some weird shack,I'm going to have to pass and get to class" I say smiling and picking up my bookbag.

We walk back into the school just as the bell rings and luckly my next class is close by.

"Do this again sometime?" Javier ask as we begin to split our seprate ways.

"Definetly" I say. I get jealousy glares from girls as they file out of there classrooms.

I turn and walk away from him.

"Hey Riley!" I hear him yell from down the hall. I quickly turn around to look at him and mouth, 'what'.

"Nice ass!" He yells again,a smirk creeping up on his face. I feel my face turn hot pink as mutiple people turn my way. I flip the bird at him and walk away smiling, even though I'm embarassed as hell and then thats when I see Casey Pierre,walking toward my with fury written on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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