Vanishing act

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Kayden's pov

Hanging up the phone I did as Mr. Vega asked and rescheduled all his meetings for today and canceled his other meetings . I got done just In time to see the man himself walk out the door.

I would be lying if I said Mr. vega wasn't smoking hot but I could only dream of being with this man there was many reasons why the first being that he is straight and has a long time girlfriend plus he's my boss.

Snapping out of my thoughts I took to putting the new dates for the meeting into the computer .

Dominic's pov

As I was driving toward my house I noticed a strange car in the drive way. Getting a uneasy feeling again I pulled the car over a few houses down from my house and walked to mine and unlocked the door. As soon as I opened the door I could here moaning coming from our bedroom slowly creeping to the bedroom door being as quit as I could I peeked threw the open door to see an image of something I never thought I'd see Amber my girlfriend was in bed with another man but not just any man my brother Ryder.

Walking back out of the hall I wrote a quick note and left it on the inside of the door as I made my way out of HER house. With that I quietly headed out of the house and into my car driving back to the one place I alway loved most my studio.Walking back in I went up to kayden my secretary and told him to meet me in my office in five minutes for I had a few things I needed him to do..

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