Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 ( editing ✔)

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You fell asleep on the way to your “new home”. You felt someone nudging you, waking you up from your nap. As you open your eyes, you see Jungkook taking his bag and getting out of the car. You frown, he didnt even say something. You grab your purse and turn your body to open the door, but Jungkook beat you to it and opened the door himself. “Finally, you're awake.” He sighed. “Sorry, I was tired.” You say as you get out of the car. As you step out, a very beautiful and huge house was waiting before your eyes. Your were in awe. "Let's go in, it's cold outside." He says as he grabs your hand leaving you shocked. He leads you and stop right at the door, he let's you go as he puts his hands in his pockets. You were about to say something until the door opened, scaring you as you squeal. Jungkook laughs, shaking his head. You stay still with a shocked expression leaving the housekeepers laughing. "Come on in Ma'am." A pretty woman appeared bowing. You step inside and follow the pretty woman. She stops in her tracks and turns to you.

"I forgot my manners, nice to meet you Miss Y/n, I am Jungkook's secretary. Please follow me to the living room." She smiles bowing. You bow in return and smile at her. She turns and walks to wherever the living room is. You stop as the lady opens a huge black door and gestures for you to go in. As you walk in a beautiful living room awaits, chandeliers, luxurious seating, fancy lamps, fancy rugs. Such beautiful decor.

You see Jung kook sitting on one of the fancy sofas, he was sipping tea or some sort of coffee. He was reading a book. He looked immersed in it. "Sir, Miss Y/n is here, I will be leaving, thank you." She bows and closes the door. Jungkook looks at you and puts his book down, his hands in his pockets. "Y/n, this house belongs to my great grandparents, my parents wanted us to live here, because my parents promised my grandparents, that I would live here with my future wife." He smiles, looking around. "Do you think its beautiful?" He asks, touching the lamps. "Yeah I think its very charming. I would have never imagined living here." You say, walking over to the window, as you look outside, eyes focusing on the moon above. "Let's go to bed, we have big day tomorrow, we have to buy a wedding dress for you. You also need to meet your brides maids, my friends and we need to buy things for our wedding." He says, walking away, as you follow him from behind.

He leads you upstairs, the staircase was color white and was marbled, it had golden railings. As you reach upstairs, there were huge hallways, black carpet, and white doors with golden door knobs. He continues leading you through the hallway, you both end up in the end of the hallway, there was a big black door, with gold door knobs, and fancy designs. It was the only black door. He opens the door and motions you to go first. You step in the room, he passes you a remote, and leaves you confused. What the? He goes inside the bathroom and cmoses the door behind him. You scratch your head in confusion, what am I supposed to do with this remote? What electric device do I have to turn on? He left me clueless. You start oressing the red button and something made a beep sound and you knew right away what it was. Air condition. Well atleast you figured out that it was the remote for the AC and not for the TV or whatever electric device he has in his room. You sit on the edge of the bed, the duvets were dark navy blue, the room was dark and it turned cold really quick. You search for your suitcase or whatever your dad sent you. You look around the big room and spot a cream colored suitcase and you knew it was yours cause it had a purple heart tag on it. You walk over to it and zip it open to find something comfy to wear, since it was very cold in Jungkook's room.

"Y/n can you help me pick out some clothes for work tomorrow?" You hear Jungkook say, you turn around, seeing something you haven't seen in years. Abs abs abs, half naked. Jungkook was half naked, with only a towel to cover his lower half, making your cheeks burn red. "Uh-hh, yea-hh wh-what?"
You say staring at his very built choco abs .
"Y/n are you ok? You seem kinda occupied?" Jungkook says, making you snap back to reality. " hu-h o-oh yeah sure i-i can help y-you." You say moving your gaze from Jungkook back to your suitcase pretending to look for clothes. Your mind was still filled with the scene and you were mentally screaming at yourself. "I'll just go and find my clothes and I'll help you after ok?" You say, and he hums in return opening his closet finding clothes to wear for the night. You finally found the grey oversized hoodie, and some comfy whitw sweatpants, you walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind you. Your heart was still beating really fast from earlier. You mentally calm yourself down, you wash your face trying to forget Jungkook's most valuable treasure that he keeps under his shirt. After getting dressed you, open the door getting out the cold bathroom. You turn your gaze to Jungkook who was covered in the duvets. You noticed his shoulder was bare and it got your eyebrows scrunching. He positioned himself sitting down leaning his head on the headboard, he was shirtless. Yes shirtless and that drives me fucKinG crazy. You froze, cheeks burning again. You look away from the blessing, and walk over to the side of the bed in which isn't taken. You lay down, your back facing him and his beautiful abs. "Are you too cold? I'm sorry if the room is too cold, I sweat when I sleep so I have to keep it cold to stop sweating." He says, with a low voice. Fukk, that's fukking hoOt. You nod and close your eyes, trying to shut yourself to sleep, but your mind was filled with Jungkook's body and his choco abs. It wasn't leaving your mind anytime soon.

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