Chapter 2

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"Why are we doing this again?" Marcy asked out of breath. I watched as Cam stopped what she was doing and explained to her how important this training was. We had finished her speed test last night and surprisingly she was learning quickly. We all woke up around 5 this morning and since none of us could go back to sleep, Cam decided they should start on Marcy's strength training.

She began demonstrating what Marcy's first task would be. I couldn't do anything to help since this part of the process was Cam's specialty. Which makes sense considering before she was turned, Camelle was training to be a kindergarten teacher.

The year was 1902 and Camelle was living in Chicago at the time. She was walking home from her last class of the night when she was approached by a child crying, asking her to help find his lost mother. Being the child-loving woman she was, she followed him to where he saw his mother last – in an alley down the street.

She realized what was happening when the child disappeared into the darkness. She tried running but there were too many men surrounding her.

Cam told me she was ready to go when they left. She was so beat up and weak to want to continue fighting. Just as she felt the pain going away, she heard footsteps. Then someone bit her neck, and that's when she knew she would never be the same. Unlike me, Cam had to figure out what she was by herself. I know she doesn't regret following that child but there is one thing she does regret – she never found out who saved her.


Within the next few hours, Marcy started getting the hang of her strength. Forgetting I should be paying attention to the clock, I checked my phone to see it was only 7:15 – so I decided to get ready and head to class early. Not wanting to bother the girls, I set an alarm on Cam's phone to remind them about their classes and snuck out the back door.

When I got to my car, I noticed there were moving vans across the parking lot. Not wanting to seem creepy by staring, I got into the driver's seat and watched the workers move couches into the building from the rear-view mirror. It was when I saw a family of four come out the doors did I realize they were our new neighbors.

The mother and father looked older, late 40's maybe. The daughter looked about Marcy's age but her hair was light, almost red. Then I moved my eyes to the son. He looked older – 18, maybe 19. His hair dark and messy; clothes wrinkly from the ride, I assumed. Then his eyes... I thought I would melt right there. In all my years on this Earth, only one guy made me feel this way with just one look, and that was in 1916. If my heart wasn't frozen it would be ready to combust by now.

I watched as the family walked back inside leaving the son alone. He stood there for a couple of minutes watching the movers pack up and leave. Thinking he would go inside, I started my car and put it in reverse. Only he didn't move – he just stared at the ground and kicked a rock.

Not being able to control myself any longer, I peered into his mind.

He was sad, devastated that they had to move yet again. The last city they were in he had made some good friends, found a girl he really liked, and began to settle in for once. Only a few weeks later did his father pack up their things and demand they move – again. He never knew why they always moved, his parents never gave him or his sister a valid excuse. I could feel his pain, his hatred for his father.

And I felt bad for him. He missed his girlfriend even though she broke up with him because she couldn't handle long distance relationships. He missed his friends, the real ones who didn't care that his family had money. It's too bad things always had to change.


*FLASHBACK – 1916*

"Tell me why I should listen to my 20 year old daughter?"

"Because I'm 20! You know I'm older than my age! Why can't you just let me go on my own?"

"Amelia..." My mother looked at me sternly, and that's when I knew there was no way she was letting me out of the house tonight. So I stormed off to my room.

All I wanted to do was go see a band in the city. The lead singer happened to be this guy I met earlier this week at the farmers market, and he invited me to their show tonight. None of my friends wanted to go, so I thought I could just go on my own. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

I was sitting on my window seat when I heard the bell tower strike midnight. Knowing the band was going on in 1 hour, I decided to sneak out.

I got to the train station at 12:20 to see the next train was leaving in 10 minutes. I smiled to myself hoping my luck would keep coming – and sure enough it did.

I got to the gig just in time to see his whole set. Not only were they great, but he saw me in the crowd. I could feel my insides turning with excitement. After their last song, he ran off the stage to come see me.



Thinking he was running to hug me, I reached out to him. But he was thinking of a totally different greeting. He grabbed my arms and before I knew it his lips crashed on mine. I could feel the world around us disappear. Each sound, one by one, desiccated as his lips formed into mine. His touch sent chills running throughout my body making me grab onto his shirt as he cupped my cheeks with his hands.

When we finally broke apart, I could barely breathe. It felt like my heart was screaming to keep going even though my lungs were gasping for more air.

"I've been waiting to do that since I first laid eyes on you." Mason whispered leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled brightly and nodded my head, unable to make words escape my mouth. So instead of speaking, I kissed him, again and again and again. It was as if time had stopped each time our lips met.

Too bad that perfect night was interrupted by gun shots flying through the air.


No one was in the room when I got to my first class, so I plugged in my headphones, chose my relaxed playlist, and began working on the latest assignment.

Time flew by after that and by the time I finished, students were piling in. I ignored mostly everyone as I always did until the teacher showed up. Everything seemed normal until the principal walked in with someone by his side.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have a new student who will be joining this semester." Mr. Fields paused as the guy from earlier came from behind him and looked for a seat. When he finally sat down, Mr. Fields continued.

"Please make him feel welcome." He smiled and left the room.

"Name?" Ms. Valentino asked.

I turned around to face him and he looked at me, his gaze never leaving mine when he began to speak.


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