Chapter 1: The Dream Demon is back part I

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*Gravity Falls, Mystery Shack, 02:45 AM*

The Pines family was sleeping, the lights were out, but suddenly there appeared a pink glow in the living room of the Shack. The pink lights float around in the living room and turned suddenly into a pink colored triangle with black, slim libs, a black bow-tie and a black ribbon with pink colored amulet in the middle of the black ribbon. The pink triangle jumped down on the ground and walked slowly to the kitchen. The pink triangle opened the fridge, picked a bottle Pitt Cola, closed the fridge and walked with bottle back to the living room, sat down on the armchair and turned the TV on.

*Meanwhile on the attic of the Shack*

Mabel woke up by the Sound of the TV downstairs. Mabel stood up, grabbed a flashlight and walked down with her grappling hook and the flashlight. Mabel looked very confused when she saw a triangle sitting in the armchair. Mabel walked quietly to the armchair and saw that the triangle was pink colored has black, slim libs and wears a black bow-tie, a black ribbon with a Pink colored amulet in the middle of it. Mabel thought and knew inmediatly who it was. "Lisa, is that you?" Mabel asked very confused. The pink triangle looked to Mabel and thought "Mabel? OMG, I missed you a lot!" Lisa said and hugged Mabel tight while she smiles to her "My gosh, your pretty grown up in the time that I was gone!"."I know right! And I'm now 16 years old, cool right?"."Yeah! That's really cool, Mabel!"."Thank you, Pinky!" Mabel smiles happily. Lisa looked to Mabel and smiles back.

*3 hours later*

Mabel and Lisa were in the kitchen with the fridge opened. Mabel looked to Lisa "Shall we do it?"."YEAH! LET'S DO IT!" Lisa said and smiles. Mabel smiles and nodded to Lisa. Lisa smiles and possessed Mabel's body, took a bottle Pitt Cola and drank like a 'person'. Libel (Mabel & Lisa) thought and walked to the Gift Shop and did a Pinetree hat on "Look, I'm Dipper Pines and I love solving mysteries and Pacifica Northwest!" Libel said with her Dipper imitation. Libel laughed a lot while she was walking outside to the forest and thought. Lisa left suddenly Mabel's body and thought "Do you want to check something with me?"."Sure what's it?"."You'll see it soon, Mabel! You'll see it soon!" Lisa said to Mabel with a big smiles planted on her face.

Lisa Cipher:  Blinded by the Sixer, Shooting Star and Pinetree (GF x OC)Where stories live. Discover now